The recruit.

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"Hello" you said sitting down in your seat at the back of the almost empty classroom.

"Hi y/n, what you in for this time?" Asked mr.novachick the detention teacher.

"Sleeping in class" you sighed laying your backpack on the desk so that you had something to lay on.

Mr.novachick was used to you being in here so he never really argued with you even though you aren't allowed to sleep in detention. He just quietly went back to his book he had his nose in when you walked in.

You were used to it all the smell of fresh brewed coffee coming from the mug that sat at mr.novachick's desk, the light that came from the blinds, and especially the snoring of Jackson keen.

Jackson keen was your run of the mill bad boy trope. He had a reputation for sleeping with all the girls he's been with, skipping class, and being in detention with you.

You two weren't the closest of friends seeing as how he bullied you every chance he got. Some people would see it as wrong but you enjoyed the attention sometimes. However today was different from the others he was actually doing his work for once.

"Look at you being smart for once" you giggled looking over at him.

He looked over at you slowly putting his head in his hand. "You wanna do this for me short stack?" He said with a grin on his face.

"Short stack is harsh, but no I will not do your calculus for you" you said turning back over to lay down.

Admittedly you could have easily done it seeing as you were a honors student, but why would you help someone like him.

"Awwww cmon y/n I know you're good at stuff like this" he said in a pleading tone. He rested his elbow on your back so that he was using you as a arm rest.

You were used to him acting like this but it still bothered you because you knew that he was also a honors student despite him being who he was.

"I believe in you" you said waving your hand up a little in a dismissing motion. He took his elbow off you and sat back in his chair in a man spread position.

"You're really lame" he sighed looking back at his paper.

Lame was a word you were used to. You weren't the most popular person if you were being honest with yourself. You had two friends not counting Jackson, but even then you couldn't even count him as one since the only time you guys talked was during detention.

I guess you could say you were one of the few people in the school who kept to themselves. But it didn't really bother you all that much you'd rather be lame than stand out in a place like this.

"Yeah well this lame has her work done for that class so" you shrugged still laying down.

"Bitch" Jackson whispered under his breath.

"What was that" you asked turning your head a little to look at him.

"Nothing, nothing at all" he smiled at you with his head tilted.

"Oh ok then" you scoffed.

With that he finally moved his chair back to his side of the table and went back to work. You finally actually payed down and closed your eyes taking in the sound of mr. Novachick's little chuckles at you guy's conversation.

The sound of the loud bell woke you up out of your some what sleep state.

"Well I hope I don't see you guys tomorrow" said mr.novachick waving at us with his usual nonchalant look on his face. He knew he was going to see you again this week but he never told you off about it because he knew you were a smart kid.

"Hey y/n lemme talk to ya real quick" Jackson said throwing his arm around you making you stumble a little bit.

"Jackson what could we possibly have to talk about we barley talk to begin with" you said looking up at him.

"Well we're gonna talk today" he said looking down at you with a smug look on his face "you know kiara right?" He asked.

Kiara, heir to the popular throne, was one of Jackson's girlfriends and one of his longest you might say.

"Of course who doesn't" you said rolling your eyes "she's the most known girl in the school".

He leaned down to you "well guess what we broke up" he said with a grimace face.

You stopped in your tracks for a second and took his arm from around you. "Ok? Did you hold me just to tell me that?" You said with a confused face.

Jackson stepped back for a second and gave you smile "Are you single?" He asked confidently.

You were at a loss for words. Why in the world would he ask me something like that? You looked down at your feet for a second and glanced back at him "why?" you asked.

"Because I need your help getting her back" he sighed placing his hands on your shoulders. "Help you get her back" you said with a chuckle "Jackson keen if I wouldn't help you with your homework I sure as hell won't be helping you get your ex back" you stated taking his hand of your shoulder again "how would I even help you".

He lifted his bushy eyebrows with a smirk. "Pretend to be my girlfriend" he said putting his hand on his hip.

You couldn't even fathom what just came out of this man's mouth. Jackson keen the most attractive fuck boy in the school just asked you to be his pretend girlfriend.

"Look Peter kavinsky this isn't to all the boys I loved you're not in a fucking movie where the girl you pretend to date is going to fall in love with you" you laughed taking your headphones out.

"Well think of it as more of a recruit" he said walking by your side "I'm not asking you to do a lot just to help me in this war between me and kiara".

You looked up at him with a grimace on your face "Jackson I would rather get hit by a car then pretend to date and you and make kiara hate me" you said putting your headphones over your hair. "Nice try though" giggled back at him as he stood there behind you as you walked out the push doors to the student parking lot.

"We'll see you know you can't resist me" he said loud enough for you to hear.

"Uh huh" you said getting your keys out of your pocket.

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