Learn to lie.

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You had finally made it home after all that had happened today. It was nice to be in your own space especially since you were alone in said space.

You had just sat your bag down on the couch when your phone buzzed in your pocket.

"One second is all I ask" you sighed to yourself.

It was a text from Jackson.

"Hey I never got your number short stack yknow I need that".

You were about fed up with him calling your short stack. You don't even know when he started calling you that or why for that matter.

You opened your phone and replied to the message.

"It's *********** and stop calling me short stack damn".

You set your phone face down on the side table by the coach as you went to set the rest of your bags down. You could hear you phone buzz again and again but you were to far to care about it. You finally made it back over to your phone to see who was blowing it up as if you didn't already have a idea.

You opened your phone to two missed calls and about seven messages from a unsaved number.

He should add dedication to his Resume. You stood there for a second to make it look like you were busy with something and then called back. The phone rang twice and then he picked up.

"You know it's rude to not answer your boyfriends calls" he said rustling around on what sounded like his desk.

"Yeah well lucky me your not my boyfriend soooo" you laughed. 

Jackson scoffed a little under his breath at your words "ok then".

You two sat in a awkward silence for a second just listening to the shuffling you both were doing.

Then he spoke "yknow I heard you threaten that little sophomore today in the parking lot" he said in such a tone you could practically hear his smirk.

You stopped for a second and stared at your phone screen. You didn't know wether Lauren even talked to Jackson or not so how in the world did he know about that?

"You stalking me now?" you asked walking over to the kitchen table.

You could hear clicking probably form a pen on the other end.

"Not intentionally no" he sighed "but yknow when you park directly beside me it's hard to miss what was going on".

You muted your phone for a second "you IDIOT" you yelled placing your head in your hands. This entire time that you were sitting there arguing with Lauren you didn't even realize you were parked next to him. You didn't even see him leave out the building or get in his car.

Hesitantly you unmuted your phone "yeah well now you know the truth behind little miss I don't care" you said with a bit of sarcasm in your voice.

He burst out laughing as if you told the funniest joke ever. He gasped for air for a second "y/n I always knew you cared about a lot of stuff your not a very good liar yknow" he laughed.

Where you a bad liar? You didn't think so because you people saw you as this quiet not giving a fuck kind of girl. Where as in reality you gave a shit about a lot of things "Then how about you teach me to lie wise guy" you joked.

He didn't understand it was a joke though.

"Ok I will" he said.

You could hear the sound of his swivel chair as he leaned back in it. You weren't offended at the fact that he thought you weren't good at lying, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. You didn't want to lie to him to much so that you lost his trust but just enough so that he would leave you alone about it.

"You don't have to teach me to lie my ex helped me with that to be honest" you said trying to contain your snicker.

"Oh really" he said dragging out the words "why is that?".

You sighed a little to make it sound like you were upset "I had to lie a lot to him or about him sometimes" you said. "He wasn't the nicest person yknow so when he asked me where I was or who I was with I'd say I was sleeping over at tianas" you continued.

While yes these were all bold face lies you had to admit it did make you think about your ex.

"So I have a question" he interrupted "where were you when he asked you where you were?".

You were caught of guard by the question. You couldn't really say you were out partying or whatever because you didn't really party and I think Jackson picked up on that.

" I was either with Corey or Lina" you replied slowly. You didn't want to make it seem like you came up with that on the spot. Best part about this lie is that Jackson knew Corey and Lina but not enough to have their numbers or accounts on anything.

Corey and Lina, the dynamic duo, were two of your more out there friends. They were practically joined at the hip in a way so that wherever there was Corey there was Lina. Lina had the tendency to invite you out at night sometimes and sometimes you'd say yes just to ride around with them. Nocturnal is the only word for those two.

You sighed again "nevertheless me and Kane would have never lasted anyway we were two different people yknow" you said with smile on your face.

Jackson was quite for a second and then cleared his throat "yeah I get that" he mumbled almost sounding sad.

You could feel the giggled bubbling up inside you.

You took a deep breathe to calm yourself "yeah well mr.crybaby I'm gonna go hop in shower I'm still in my practice clothes".

He tapped on his desk "I don't know about crybaby but ok short stack talk later" he sighed.

"Ok, oh and by the way Jackson" you said with a little prep in your voice "you just got lied to none of that was true".

It was quiet for a second and then you heard a little chuckle. "Ok y/n you got me there" he laughed "great performance".

You smiled to yourself in a proud manner before hanging up. "Bad liar my ass" you whispered to your self.

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