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Alera couldn’t even tell where they were headed. She was just following the guards in front of her. She knew that Asendriel and Baruing were both behind her, following them, but she couldn’t even bring herself to look at them. She felt dejected and utterly defeated. As much as she tried, she couldn’t see a way out. She was to be isolated somewhere, while Tellor was locked down in the Black Chamber. Most likely, it would be impossible for them to see each other, until Baruing will permit it once again. But being the heartless beast that he was, either her or Tellor won’t make it out alive.

And all of this because of Asendriel…

Loud, metal sounds came from in front of her and, lifting her eyes, she saw the big, heavy doors leading to the whipping dungeon. At first she wondered if Baruing changed his mind and chose to ignore Asendriel’s advice. Or perhaps they expected her not to react either way since they were holding Tellor hostage. They would be right to assume this. She wasn’t ready to forsake his life in exchange for hers.

They were her kin...her people...both of them.

She frowned quietly as she realised she had included Asendriel as well, as if nothing happened. She felt mad at herself for not realising the cruel reality. He was no longer one of them…

They didn’t stop in that room. Instead, taking a small door to their left, the whole party descended deeper, beneath the ground, to a place she had never seen before. She cared little for her surroundings or where they were taking her. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted at this point. Maybe freedom or maybe death? Solitude? Seeing Tellor again and Asendriel snapping out of his madness? She even smiled a bit when she realised she wanted all of them and she cursed her fate once again, along with all the nameless gods and other deities which allowed all of this to unfold.

Below the whipping chamber, Baruing had another dungeon, but completely empty. It had a similar format and feel as the one she was living in before, with a long corridor but with only one row of cells. There were no lit torches on the walls and no window since they were so deep underground. They passed empty cell after empty cell as they made their way to the last one. Just like before. The rusty door made a loud sound as it closed behind her.

‘How do you like your private quarters, my dear?’, mocked Baruing, but she ignored him, sitting in the center of her cell, with her back to them. She didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how miserable she was.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to talk to anyone now? Who knows how long you will be trapped here. Or maybe you would want me to pay you some visits?’ 

Baruing smirked as he let out his invitation. Disgusted to no end and partially scared, Alera slowly turned to face him, but she refused to show any fear as she addressed him.

‘I will not be broken by you that easily. Not anymore. I will be free!’. The words sounded hollow even in her mind, with no possibility of escape, but she had to have something to cling on. She had to! Without it, she would go mad.

‘How about by your dear raven, then? Would he be able to break you?’  Baruing laughed. ‘I told you he was dead...’
Alera’s eyes widened as she remembered a small detail from before her match with the ogre: the guard that barely whispered something to her - ‘your raven is dead’. Baruing laughed again, almost reading her like a book.

‘So I guessed your little code correctly. And what a lovely reaction you had on the stage. Everything went exactly as expected!’

‘What are you talking about?’, she asked confused, but realisation slowly settled in as he continued:

‘Why, your loss of course! Pardon me, my dear, but with all the commotion, I didn’t even get to thank you properly for your performance! You made me a pretty profit today!’

‘You…’, she whispered slowly as anger and disbelief fought inside her mind. ‘you bet against planned for me to fall!’

She grabbed the bars, glaring at him, while a large, sadistic smile flourished on his face.

‘’No one expected you to lose. Of course everyone would bet on your success. But how tragic, the new prisoner was a bit too much for you...’

‘You bastard! What did you do to me?!’ Alera demanded. She couldn’t even remember more than slights and bits of what happened. She remembered the ogre and she remembered she started feeling dizzy at some point and after that only mumbling thoughts and fractions of images. But before that…

‘You drugged me! That drink in your study!’

‘Clever girl.’

Baruing was almost ecstatic as he revealed his entire plan and chose his words carefully while he continued, feeding on her growing anger:

‘Have you ever heard of Gromsblood?’

He made a small pause for the effect and added:

‘It’s quite a rare plant, found in most deserted areas of the world. Usually it’s red in color, with spiky leaves, but what’s more interesting about it are its uses. If brewed it will give off a sweet smell and taste, but do not be fooled as it's mildly poisonous. The symptoms may include, but are not limited to headaches, blurry vision and even fainting, along with numbness in the extremities.’

Alera opened her mouth, but no words came out. She couldn’t believe it!

‘However, that is not the only thing interesting about it. The plant buds are even more potent and can even lead to hallucinations. What do you think, my dear?’

‘You…’ was all she could mutter under her breath. Her knuckles were white as she squeezed the cell bars.

‘Of course, I couldn't take all the credit. It wouldn’t be fair. The idea belonged to your raven!’

‘You’re lying!’, she yelled with all her might and her voice echoed inside the dungeon. She even surprised herself by her burst of anger. This was too much! It was impossible! She refused to accept that he would be responsible for such an atrocious idea. Maybe he did turn on them for his own freedom, but Asendriel wouldn’t kill them or be an accomplice to this!

'He is telling the truth.' Asendriel added impassively, with his arms crossed over his chest.

It was like his words came from another world, as if someone else spoke through him. Like a demon had possessed him, twisting him into this terrible person standing now in front of her. It was one thing to reveal everything, but this...

'Asendriel…' she slowly whispered and his name felt like ash on her tongue, while her world came crashing down. His betrayal hurt more than any wound she had suffered until now.

He kept her gaze, looking almost expressionless at her, with the exception of his brows slightly furrowed. Baruing laughed and clapped his hands delighted at the reactions he had stirred, his joy filling the dungeon space like a poisonous cloud.

'Well then, my dear, I think it would be best to leave you alone for now'., he added, motioning for the others to follow him outside. Everyone complied, leaving her all alone and, after no longer hearing their steps, she finally allowed herself to cry out in despair. She screamed as she cried her eyes out, cursing everything and everyone. She felt broken and alone and silently she wished for deliverance, but knowing full well it was denied to her.

Asendriel wished for her death…

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