Iruka's Strange Night

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A/N Quick one shot and I don’t own the people mentioned below. Enjoy.

Iruka’s Strange Night

It was 6:30pm and Kakashi, Iruka and Naruto had gone out to have a bite to eat, after eating Kakashi and Iruka escorted Naruto home. Know Iruka was planning on just going home to but Kakashi insisted on them going out and having a drink, "Come on Iruka you've worked hard all week teaching at the academy, i'm sure just 1 drink can't do that much damage."

Too bad Kakashi had planned for them to have more than 1 drink, "I don't know Kakashi something doesn’t feel right here, plus I have to work tomorrow."

 "Just 1 drink Iruka then we'll go, please." After thinking that there was no other way to win the argument Iruka sighed and said "Fine just 1 drink, then i'm off." The both of them made their way to the nearest drink stop, they each ordered a beer and sat down together to drink.

(The night went on and strange things happened between Kakashi and Iruka.)

Iruka wake up from his sleep and found himself in Kakashi's bedroom with Kakashi next to him in bed, "Ah.....You’re finally awake."

"Kakashi...wh...What happened last night and why am I in bed at your apartment?" Kakashi smirked and answered "So you can't remember all the fun we had last night after having a drink, pity because you where great." When saying that Kakashi stroked Iruka's face and kissed him, Iruka was shocked and straight away push Kakashi off him and jumped out of bed, too bad he didn't realize he had nothing on.

Still smirking Kakashi said "Ooo, giving me a better look at you Iruka?" Iruka looked down at himself and grabbed the sheet off the bed to cover up, "JESUS CHRIST KAKASHI TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!!!" Screamed Iruka but Kakashi just kept smirking "If you come back into bed i'll show you what happened last night and may I add we should do it more often." Finally relising what had happened Iruka felt weird inside "So you’re saying we....we... OH MY GOD!!!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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