Help!/Sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

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So umm my Wattpad is glitching when my WiFi is online it won't let me see another page!

When I am offline it allows me to do anything

Give me tips! I'll just use my other account

@Moshi_Meshi or was it @Moshimeshi?

So I'll try to fast post this when I turn my WiFi back on

»»————> Alsoo <————««

I forgot to add this so umm... Author-san has a fever 🤒 same with my sister and mother and my last test is on Monday!

Author-san is weak 😢 and at August Author-san might have to stop writing

Just to tell you all Author-san does not have a phone this is my fathers phone 📱

But! Author might continue this book in my other account

The reason why Author might stop writing in this account is because my father will take it with him

He is a seaman so yeah sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

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