Chapter Seven

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Finally, she could rest. Finally, she could go on. Her chance at true love may not have been what she would have expected or chosen, but Tauriel still now counted herself among the lucky few who would ever even have the chance to experience a love that fastened two people together through destiny and time, despite anything and everything else. She knew that their union had been woven into the tapestry of fate itself. And it had taught her so much about life, meaning, the Gods, and who she truly was so deep inside her bones. Knowing and loving Kili had changed the entire course of her life, and made her more of herself. No, she told Kili in that space beyond death and beyond the world, she would not die now. She would live. And she would really live this time, not constrained by her circumstances or environment. With the memory of the incredible gift she had been given with her sweet dwarf, she would bloom, like the forgotten blossoms of the north. She would be no shrinking violet. She would be no lost and lonely soul without a home or a hearth. Now and forever she would have her Kili. Now and forever she would have her peace, and her home. It would come with her in the fall of her footsteps, the breath of her voice, and the work of her hands. He was woven into her like the stars into the night sky. She was more his Tauriel now than when he had known her alive. And just now had she truly started living.

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