Disclaimer/Information + Links

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Hello everyone! My name is Milofitia, and I am the writer of this story. This story was created and brought to you by both me and EvonWasDead. All concepts featured in this story were thought of, developed and brought to life by the both of us.

Before we may begin, there are a few things I must inform you of.

First and foremost, this story is set in the 1980's. Being over 4 decades ago, that time held rather dated moral ideals. The relevant ones being the treatment of black, homosexual and all in all people of minorities. You may therefore find the usage of several (minor) slurs and general hate speech, and I wish to address this beforehand.
I do not share the opinions of characters who do use these slurs. Please do not attack me or my co-creator because of this.

Secondly, this story is entirely mine and Sam (EvonWasDead)'s creation. The concepts and characters were all created by us. If you do find any story with concepts and characters that closely resemble ours' and we're posted after the 15th of July, 2022, kindly contact us before doing anything with the link and information. This story was originally published on Wattpad by the user Milofitia, contact me if found on other platforms.

Thirdly, this story will hold rather graphic descriptions: these will include gore, body horror (creatures that look like humans but aren't quite) and things of the like. I will provide trigger warnings on each chapter that anything potentially triggering happens in.

Next up, there will be depictions of demons and supernatural beings of the like. However, me and Sam have worked hard to stray from the usual incredibly Christian-influenced imagery used for demons in modern media to create our own creatures.

Finally, please do comment your opinions. Every comment, every bit of communication between us and our readers will bring this story to life. Plus, the more people vote and comment on here, the more people are able to find this. So, please, consider voting if you enjoy this experience!




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