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Leaves covered the moist ground, hundreds of fiery shades dancing across the earth like an inferno. Roots jutted out of the ground, resembling a giant serpent's coils as they ran from the bases of the trees, mingling with the leaves to form an earthy color palette. The stars could barely be seen through the canopy, the few that managed to untangle the branches enough to peek through small dots of light in the scenery.

Crickets chirped, playing their melody for the forest and all those who dwelled within. The forest stretched on, seeming infinite yet cozy like a small cottage in the way only nature could manage.

It was the time of night where the moon shone bright, illuminating the landscape with milky white light. Normally, all that could be heard at that time was the rustling of leaves in a light breeze and the song of the crickets. But, tonight, the forest had unexpected guests.

Feet pounded against the ground, perilously making their way through the labyrinth of roots and tangles at a speed that could only be described as desperate. Two people ran through, breath heavy and flashlights off, panic penetrating their every move.

Light flitted between the trees, harsh beams of contrasting brightness to the surroundings cutting across the scenery like canyons through a desert. What felt like dozens of beams criss-crossed through the woods, shaking with the steps of the pursuers. Roots crunched under worn sneakers and shined shoes, advancing in unison.

Blonde hair flashed for a brief second in the torch light, a brief moment that made all the difference in Nina's and Richard's night.

A loud yell came from behind the pair, the rest of the torches turning towards the place that had been indicated. Nina's heart lurched, her desperate heaving hastening in a desperate attempt to get more oxygen into her body. Richard wasn't doing much better, but his longer legs allowed for wider strides. It felt like the two were in a horror movie, but, this time, instead of merely watching, they were in it. Hundreds of thoughts raced through their minds as they ran blindly.

The two made for an unlikely pair, both appearance and personality-wise. Nina was in her early twenties, and often got comments for how young she looked, whilst Richard was in his late thirties, but his appearance made him look much, much older, despite the lack of wrinkles on his face.

Nina had straight, sahara sand blonde hair that was cut just slightly above the shoulders. It was pulled into two small, loose buns at the back of her skull, but still fell in front of her eyes. Her hair was usually kept slightly messy, but now, hundreds of hairs stuck out at odd angles, leaves and sticks tangled into it. Her pale skin was left blank of any freckles or birthmarks, a dark, old scar along the bridge of her nose painting the canvas of her face. A large gash following the curve of her right cheek bone oozed blood along her cheek, the milano red liquid staining her cheek from when she'd wiped it earlier.

She wore a simple outfit: a short-sleeved black zip-up sweater over a long-sleeve rock spray orange and black striped shirt. Her pants were huge mineshaft gray cargos that reached her mid-shin, a pair of alizarin crimson red socks covering her skin. A shiny gold band necklace hung from her neck, a pair of long, black earrings hanging from her ears. A pair of goggles sat on top of her head, with black frames and ochre orange glass. Worn san felix sneakers were tied around her feet, speckled with mud and leaves.

Richard's appearance was a stark contrast, almost directly her opposite. His black hair was cut near the skull, with enough length for it to curl slightly. A small, neat mustache rested beneath his nose, well-trimmed and with a slight twirl in the ends. His skin was slightly less pale than Nina's, and covered in small, el salva red-brown freckles speckled all over his temples, cheeks and nose. A few scars ran over his features, old and faded with age, most of them around his cheeks and nose, a singular one on his forehead. He was tall, around the six foot five mark, and his outfit made him look even more intimidating.

Suburban DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora