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        Reader P.O.V :

                        I sighed quietly to myself as I flipped another page in the giant lore book on the table in front of me. 

                        The boys and I had gotten word of a case in Georgia and had been up all night researching what might have caused the crazy killings that had occurred. We wanted to be prepared before we headed out in the morning.  Sam was currently on his laptop and dean was across from me.

                     Finally, after hours of looking, Sam spoke up. "Hey, I think I figured something out," He said, standing up quickly. Before he could get another word out, I interrupted him.

                    "You know what monster this is?" I questioned, looking up from my book.

                     "Ya, turns out its a..." He began to explain, but once again, I interrupted him

                     "Great, you can tell Dean all about it and fill me in on the car ride, because I am going to bed, right now," I stated, standing up and walking out of the library, before either of them could question me. As I walked out, I heard them chuckle.

                      "Goodnight sweetheart," I heard Dean say. I headed down the long hallway that lead to my room. Changing into a pair of shorts and a t shirt, I climbed into my bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep. Let's just say, it didn't last long


I struggled to breath as I sprinted through the trees, trying to escape the monster that chased me. I didn't know exactly what it was, just that it was fast and angry.

"DEAN!" I screamed into the emptiness, hoping that he would hear and save me, but deep down I knew that he was already gone. 

All of a sudden the creature caught up to me, grabbing my ankle and dragging me down. He crawled over me and I now saw it was a werewolf, a huge one. I attempted to kick and shove him off me, but he was overpowering me. 

"DEAN!"  "HELP ME, PLEASE!" "DEAN!" My screams were only heard by trees, as no one was around. The werewolf began to claw into my chest and neck. I sobbed and screamed, as I felt my flesh tore open with each scratch. 


Then I heard a faint voice. "Y/N, wake up, please!" The voice softly pleaded with me. "Come on, wake up!" It got louder and I could feel my body being shook.

Reader P.O.V

               I shot up in my bed. Tears still poured from my eyes, as I tried to take in my surroundings. I took my shaking hands and felt my chest and neck, where I found no scratches or blood or anything at all. 

"Y/N, hey, its okay, your safe, its just me," Deans voice rang through my ears. I finally looked up to see him kneeling beside me, holding my arms with his hands, slowly rubbing them. His eyes were full of worry and fear. 

"Dean, I-I-I thought, y-you," I tried to make a sentence, but was still scared to get anything out. Dean brought his hand up to my cheek and rubbed his thumb. 

"Hey, hey, calm down, okay, take a deep breath, sweetheart, you don't have to explain," He said, gently. I instantly threw my arms around Dean. He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the side of my head.

"It felt s-so real, Dean" I whispered, with my head resting on his shoulder. He gripped me even tighter. 

"I know it did sweetheart, but it wasn't, I promise that you're safe," He said, rubbing my back. I felt much better in his arms. After a few minutes, I pulled away and looked at him.

"Sorry for waking you up and crying all over you," I apologized, gesturing to the wet spot on his shoulder. He gave me small smile. 

"Hey, its fine, honestly, as long as you are okay," He said, almost in a questioning type of manner. I nodded

"Ya, I'm all good now," I replied, giving him a smile as well. "But, um, maybe y-you could, I-I mean if you w-wanted to," I tried to get out.

"You want me to stay here?" He asked, as if he could read my mind.  I nodded and scooted over, so Dean could get under the covers. He did and pulled me into his chest.

"Thank you, Dean," I said, closing my eyes. I begin to fall back asleep, knowing that as long as dean was with me, nothing bad would happen.

Just as I fell asleep, I heard him say something. It was barely loud enough to hear.

"Anything for you sweetheart, love you,"

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