His Big Idea

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"Oh my gosh he's coming this way!" Lashonda squealed as she gripped my arm tighter. "Maybe he remembers me. You know, before his mom got sick, I really thought he was going to ask me out. We just had this connection, you know?"

My mind shorted out, imagining what that connection looked like and the alternate reality where they ended up together. It was almost disgusting how beautiful of a couple they would have made. Meanwhile that alternate version of me was still washing dirty dishes and getting wolf whistled at before wrongfully being imprisoned, framed for stealing from Mr. Claver's company. Actually, that sounded more realistic than me being the one to get the guy. Maybe I was in the alternate reality.

I didn't have much time so I shook myself from those useless thoughts and stepped right in front of Lashonda, grabbing her arms and trying to get her to focus on me.

"I have to tell you something," I said trying to move my face into her line of vision but she was laser focused on Slivko. Frankly, I couldn't blame her, under normal circumstances I'd be doing the same. "I am so, so sorry! I had no idea that's who you had a crush on. I feel terrible because that's actually my-"

"There you are!" Slivko's voice rang out, his arms wrapping around my waist and his lips pressing a kiss on my cheek. "I was wondering what was taking you so long, but wow, May, it was worth the wait." His hands subtly stroked my bare sides as his breath fanned over my shoulder.

It would have been heaven if we didn't have a lovesick audience for it.

"Oh," Lashonda said quietly, the smile erased from her face. "He's... your..."

I was making an apologetic face at her, my mouth gaping, waiting to form words when I could think of the right ones to say.

"Yep, I am hers," Slivko answered happily as he rested his chin on my shoulder and held me tighter. Even as I blushed I was half wishing he'd stop being so darn adorable and making this whole thing worse. "She's mine too, and I have big plans for her today so I hope you don't mind me stealing her away."

"Slivie, hold on-"

"Oh yeah, no worries," Lashonda cut me off with a little wave of her hands and a pitiful smile. "Have a good time."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know-"

"It's ok," Lashonda cut me off as Slivko tried to herd me away.

I was going to do the unthinkable and shove Slivko's arm away to go back and talk to her but she had turned and was already walking off.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as I let out a heavy sigh and leaned into him.

"I just made a huge ass of myself," I answered dismally, looking down at the parched grass we were walking across.

"What?" He set his sunglasses atop his head and held me by the shoulders before moving his hands to my face to tilt it up to look at him. "I don't think you're capable of that."

He was trying to cheer me up but I just frowned. "Didn't you recognize that girl?"

"What girl?"

"The girl we were standing right in front of two seconds ago!"

His brows went full on guilty golden retriever as he bit his bottom lip for a second. "Honestly, I didn't really pay attention to anything but you," he said as his eyes traveled down me and back up.

I was still frowning but deflated now.

"Are you... mad at me?" he asked suddenly, looking worried as his thumb stroked my cheek, still holding my face.

"No, how could I be mad at you for that? I'd be crazy," I muttered, making him smile again.

"So what could be wrong?"

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