That closet was clear

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//no triggers,
this has slightly implied Dnf//

George sat at his desk, thinking to himself while the water dripped down the glass window.

In all honesty, George was bisexual. He knew it for years but was scared to come out to his favourite people.

He knew they'd accept him, the problem was that his family didn't accept him years ago, kind of like repressed trauma in a way.

"Hey Sapnap and Dream Im bisexual!" He tried practicing to himself, but it didn't really seem... well... real enough.

He decided on talking to someone else about it, although the only problem was that he wasn't out to anyone else.

"Hey Bad." George had called Badboyhalo, the best person for advice.

"Hey George! What's up? Are you alright?" Bad was always looking out for others, you could call him selfless even.

"I need some help with something really important." George said, shaking slightly.

"Hey, George I'll be here for anything! I can hear you are anxious, so calm yourself." Bad said.

"Well.." George paused, then continued, "I'm bisexual. I've known for a couple years now, probably even about 5 years." George breathed with relief.

"Hey!! George I'm so proud of you. Is that all you wanted to tell me? Or was there more?" Bad was smiling so hard, he already suspected George being apart of the lgbt+ community, but he was so, so proud of George for coming out.

"Well I really want to come out to Sapnap and maybe Dream, because I kind of like someone.. and i would like to talk to Sapnap about that." George said, he didn't really want to reveal who he liked, not yet.

"Oh ok George! Would you like me to get Sapnap and Dream? Or just Sapnap or just Dream?" Bad was so nice right there, it seemed like he understood what it was like, although he wasn't gay.

"I'd like to just talk to both at once, get it over with you know?" George said.

"Alright! I'll get them on discord, and you can just go make yourself some food, or just wait a bit."

George hung up the call with Bad, and went to his kitchen to make some food like he had suggested in the recent discord call.

George ended up making a pb&j sandwich. It was kind of weird looking, different to how his mother used to make it, but then again, he hadn't seen any of his 'family' in almost three years now.

"George, stop thinking about those assholes, they don't even love you because of who you are.." George said to himself, he was probably going to cry, when he heard a familiar ring come from his phone.

It was time to tell Dream and sapnap who he was.

"Hello George!" Sapnap and Dream said in sink. "Bad told us you had to to speak to us about something?" Dream asked, concerned but excited.

"Yeah I do actually... it's really hard to say, I'm really sorry for taking so long and being anxious." George said.

"Hey George, it's ok bro, we know you have a hard time expressing your emotions and stuff so we'll be here for you the whole time." Sapnap assured him, and George found some confidence in himself.

"Well, I've been keeping this to myself for quite a while now..." George started.

"I'm bi." George said. "And if you don't accept me t-thats ok... but I'll be sad and i don't want to loose you guys." George started silently crying, and when he didn't hear a response from his two favourite friends, he left the call and cried harder that ever.

An hour had passed, and George had fallen asleep and left his phone downstairs on accident. He woke up and realised he had over reacted.

He walked down stairs, and grabbed his phone to see more than 400 messages from Dream and Sapnap and Bad. A second later another call came in from Dream and sapnap, and he answered.

"GEORGE!!!" they both yelled.

"Hey guys, I'm really sorry" George said, and the other two quickly came to his defence.

"NO George it was our fault. We stayed quiet too long, George, we accept you 100%, we would never hate you for who you love." Sapnap said, he loved George so much, like a brother to him.

"George, I've just gotta say, me and sapnap are both lgbtq+ anyways. I'm pansexual and sapnap is bi like you." Dream said, happily.

"Don't worry, he got my consent to tell you that." Sapnap added.

"Oh my god. I'm so dumb." George said laughing.

"We love you Gogs." Sapnap said.

Love you Georgie." Dream said

"Love you guys so much too." George said, and it surprised them both.


They finished off their say playing minecraft bedwars together, with Badboyhalo, quackity and Karl. They each played until almost three AM that night, almost like normal.

//hey to anyone reading this!! I hope you liked it, I'm pretty tired, and will be writing more often from now. Comment if you want, and make sure to take care of yourself!! Love you <333 //

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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