Side Jobs And Relationships (Part 3)

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Doing shifts at amazon 2 hour shifts everyday and they pay good can't tell you how much for personal reason but just know its enough.That was only my first side job,after amazon i worked at shake shack it was fun i love shakes and i like some people.Now getting on to relationships things that can make your life better or worse or stay even if your like me and really don't give a fuck because you have no feelings.My first real relationship was with a girl we are going to call her Alyssa (Not Her Real Name),She was a brown hair girl with a beautiful face.Me and her dated i'ma say for maybe a month and like a week you we had a good relationship we hung out every now and then and we would talk like almost every day except for on the weekend cause i would be out with "The Boys" as all the tiktok kids say .The reason we broke up is not because one of us cheated or found another guy/girl,we broke up because me and her didn't get along very well.Though my and her are broken up we don't have any problems with each other at all we just don't talk anymore. Remember This is my first real relationship of the book not of real life i did date this girl but she was not my first girlfriend.

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