Chapter 12

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I don't know how long I was there. Maybe hours, days, weeks, months, years. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't see. I couldn't open my mouth or take a breath. I couldn't smell either. All I could smell was nothingness, it was calming.

I was able to open little folders in my mind and re-see my memories. I kept myself occupied watching my life and laying in silence. I never wanted this silence to end...


All of a sudden, it feels like I'm falling from a great height. I scream and thrash around, trying to catch hold of something, anything.

Then BAM! My eyes fly open and smells rush into my nose. I smell wolf.

I look over to see Paul, in wolf form. He looks astonished and throws his head back, letting out an ear-splitting howl. I cover my ears.

I want the calm and silence back, it was peaceful there. Now everything's too loud, so so loud.


The next thing I know, the Cullens are standing across my meadow along with the pack. Their facial expressions show joy, desperate, shock, wonder, love, happiness...

"Tori!" Someone shouts. It's still too loud. I clamp my hand over my ears and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to go back to the peaceful silence.

"Tori, what's wrong?!" Someone else yells. My hands over my ears aren't helping at all.

"Stop!" I screech, I can hear the air rushing out of my lungs that hits my vocal chords that turn it into a sound, then goes to my mouth which forms a word. It's all really loud.

"Tori, what are you talking about?!" Another person shouts.

"Stop, stop, please stop!" I beg. It's hurting my head so much, all this noise. I can hear a bird fluttering in the sky somewhere, a car horn, a radio, a tv blaring, a frog croaking, a squirrel chattering, too loud!!!

"Tori, stop what?!" Someone else yells. OW!!!!!

I squeeze my eyes shut impossibly tighter and press my hands to my head. Then someone walks over to me and puts their hands on mine. Their touch is...normal. Not too hot, not too cold. Vampire. But who?!

I breathe in their scent. Bad idea. I can smell everything, anything. The vampires are too sweet, the wolves smell like wet dog. The smells go through my nose, I can feel the air going through my nostrils brain? What the heck?!?

I let out a blood curdling scream as pain overtakes my entire body.


Sorry to leave at another cliffhanger!!!






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