Teaching assistants

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Ok, this one will be short and sweet, but don't worry, I've got a large very angsty, multiple ship, zombie apocalypse au in the works, this is just something to keep you guys going until then! :3 L

Hatsome school au

Nobody knew how Mr smith got to be a chemistry teacher. He just really wasn't any good at chemistry, that is, except for fire. Yes, the kids liked him, but really they weren't learning, and it wasn't surprising when Mr Smith (or Smith as everyone apart from the head teacher called him) received not one, but two teaching assistants at the start of the new term.

Looking through the doorway, Smith was certain this was going to be crap. He would get some know-it-all-new-ideas teenager who would take over the class, and eventually leave him jobless. He was a terrible teacher, and he knew it, but he was not having some youngster take over (Smith was not too old himself, but was sure of the fact that the new teachers would be kids)

When the teaching assistants came in though, his thoughts suddenly changed. God damn they were hot. One tall and muscles, with glowing blue eyes and short black hair. His face was perfect, and he looked a little awkward, standing in a blue super dry hoodie. The second was much shorter, deep brown eyes and a long flowing fringe, that kept falling over his eyes. He was wearing a purple checked top.

These two men didn't clash with Smith. Although he was not as tall, the darker haired man stopped smith from looking too tall, and the smaller mans ridiculous hair stopped smiths beard from looking too bad. Their looks showed nothing about their personalities though. They could be bastards.

"Hi" said the smaller man, a smile on his face, "I think we're your new teaching assistants, I'm Chris Trott, this is Ross Hornby."
Ross nodded to smith, but didn't say anything. "So are you two chemistry teachers?" Asked Smith, worried about his job.
"No," answered Chris again, Ross was still silent, and appeared to be looking round the room. "I'm engineering, and Ross is an architect. We know nothing about chemistry, that's what your for. We just need the experience."
"Why did they put you with me?"
"We were in ICT, but we got thrown out. Ross was playing FIFA and I had snuck in my DS and was on pokemon. Turns out the ICT teacher really hates video games."
This time Ross snorted, and placed himself on one of the high tables. Trott jumped up next to Ross, his legs very far off the ground.
"Arn't you the teacher that set the school on fire?" Asked Ross.

The fire was a bad time. One of the many times that Smith nearly got fired. It wasn't his fault really, some idiot had left a gas tap on, and the experiment required fire. Smith had failed to mention to anybody that the gas tap was purposely left on, and the experiment did require rather a lot of fire. He managed to get out of it, as always. The kids liked smith, and every teacher knew that without the tall teacher, many children would simply bunk off from school every day.

"Yeah, that was me. " Answered Smith.
"Nice one, mate."
"We got out of a year nine lesson because of that!" (The year nines were the worst year to teach, rowdy and sexual at the same time)
"The kids will be in in a sec, do you want me to make an announcement? Chris and Ross right?"
"Call me Trott."
"Ross and Trott. Okay."
"You don't wanna join us do you mate, we're gonna go to the pub tonight? And then back to ours."
"You live together?"
"Yeah, we're kind of a thing." Trott's voice wavered off slightly. "You don't mind do you? Some people are really against it."
"Of course not! You two are adorable."
"So, are you joining us then?"
"What, like threesome?"
"If you like?"
"Why not." He only had one life to be living anyway. And God, these guys were hot!
"On one condition," added Ross "Kiss first, now,"
"Okay" answers Smith, as he drew both of them into a long, three way kiss.

They hadn't noticed that the children had already entered the class room.
"Look! Sirs got a boyfriend!" Called out one, who went by the name of Sips. The rest of the class joined in, calling out stuff like "finally!" And "well done Smiffy!"
"Your form are supportive," pointed out Trott.
"Okay, guys, settle down." Called out Smith. "I would like to introduce our two new teaching assistants, Ross and Trott.."

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