; the library

207 11 7

artino centric <3.
fluff !! pure fluff !! [ and gay panic ]

artemis was currently in the library at monarch academy, he was looking around for a certain book that he needed for one of his classes—but he had absolutely zero clue where it was! weren't libraries supposed to have different sections of where certain books were? geez,, he just needed a book for his english class (he rather enjoyed english and such, but art was definitely more his speed, and speciality). he let his gaze wander high and low for the book that he needed, pushing his purple rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose with a sigh. the teen was about to turn around and leave, until out of the corner of his eye he noticed a certain colored book cover and blurry title. artemis soon fully turned around, blinking as he soon made his way closer, looking up at where the book was,, and it happened to be the book that he needed! the male smiled happily, and went to reach up for it, expecting to be able to reach it as it looked like it was on a shelf that he could reach (he was relatively average height for someone his age, so, artemis didn't think there would be an issue). there was an issue, though, when he was just short of reaching it—not even being on his tip toes helped! just when he finally found the book that he needed, it was on one of the higher shelves.


just as artemis was about to turn around and leave, once again, he heard a voice of someone that was very familiar.. he turned and his eyes widened a bit at who he saw—pushing up his circular rimmed glasses.

"sh—shino! hey!"

the boy with light orange hair and a yellow streak soon walked over, tilting his head a bit in curiosity as his brow furrowed. he glanced up towards the shelf that artemis was just reaching for, before looking back to the other male, who was standing near the bookshelf, underneath where the book he needed, was.

"uh.. hey, artemis, do you by chance need some help getting a book?"

artemis blinked, his gaze going up towards the shelf that shino was just looking at,, well, he did need that particular book. it was important for his class and without it, he probably wouldn't get the information that he needed. so, the two-tone haired boy nodded, albeit a bit shyly with a small, awkward smile on his face.

"ah.. yeah, it's a little high up for me."

"oh, i can reach it for you then."

without skipping a beat, shino stepped forward and reached up to get the book for artemis. the thing was,, that when shino stepped forward, he accidentally trapped artemis against the bookshelf, one arm up to grab the book as he leaned forward slightly as well. artemis couldn't help it as his eyes widened, cheeks flushing red while his mouth went slightly agape—slightly looking up at the other. he had no clue if shino meant to do this or not.. but it made his stomach fill with butterflies while his chest felt all tight and warm. it wasn't an unwelcome feeling, but it made artemis confused, in all honesty,, why was he feeling like this? he didn't feel like this around the other before,, well, the more that he thought about it, and the more that he stared at shino's face while everything seemed to move in slow motion,, it made some sense, at least.

artemis was then snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a muffled voice that suddenly became more clearer to him as he focused on it.

"oh! there you are, i was getting worried about you for a moment, artemis, you okay there..? here's the book you wanted, by the way.."

he just blinked slowly in response, his slightly bleary, dazed eyes looked from shino's face, down to the book that he was holding out towards him. oh.. shino got the book, yeah,, the book. it all seemed to quickly snap into place for artemis as he blinked, soon letting out a noise mixed between surprise and embarrassment as he quickly snatched the book from shino, holding it to his chest as he stared down at the floor.. feeling as his cheeks flushed red once more.

"ah, uhm— th-thanks shino! uh,, i have to go now, th-thank you again!"

he sputtered out quickly, soon turning on his heel and dashing out of the library. all artemis was worried about now was getting back to his room and jotting down all of his weird, mushy feelings in his secret diary-journal thing,, he was so confused and flustered.

meanwhile, after artemis had left, shino had let out a tired sigh, sort of stumbling over towards the bookshelves and leaning against them, feeling his cheeks turning red as he stared down at the floor.

"..i'm such an idiot."

he mumbled to himself, bringing a hand up to run down his face as he pressed his lips together tightly—brow furrowing in annoyance towards himself while his cheeks burned red.

artemis wasn't the only one that was feeling confused and flustered..


more to come, hope you all enjoyed this first one shot >0<
(oh yeah this wasn't beta read or anything and it's like 2am lol,, so apologies for any mistakes<3)

- cosmos / tommy :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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