Chapter 1

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My mind that night was still reeling in that fact of everything that happened. The day had started out better than I could've imagined but soon turned in to something that I never dreamed would happen. In all honesty I never thought Hayden would've came back for me, trying to finish what he started that night.

I sighed and turned on my side looking at the clock on the nightstand that was beside the bed, it was past 4 in the morning but I just couldn't sleep. I sighed and got up and decided to make a warm cup of tea.

As I sat down at the bar and decided to check in on twitter and noticed I had a couple new followers as well as a couple of new tweets from people from last night's concert. They even tweeted me pictures they took of Nathan and I on stage. I smiled as some of the TWFanmily were supporting the weird relationship while others were kind of pissed off. Nathan was receiving threats even so I posted “Don't assume things people. Nathan and I are friends. Thanks for the support though.”

After I tweeted that I got a bunch of re-tweets, favorites, as well as responses trying to get me to follow and I did follow a couple but not too many because I wanted more tea. I got up and poured me another small cup then just sat there staring in to space when I noticed I didn't have anymore tea left. I sighed and decided to take a shower.

I let my water warm up while undressing while looking at my blue eyes in the mirror that looked a bit on the grey side today. I'm guessing it was the lack of sleep I've been getting. The bags underneath my eyes were heavy with a deep purple. The steam from the shower started to pour over the light lavender curtain and I smiled to myself. It reminded me of being invisible. Sometimes I wouldn't mind it, just living a normal life with out having the trouble that I've had, living in constant fear.

I grabbed a towel then set it on the counter so it would be closer. I hate stepping out in to the cold when I could stay in the tub to dry off and stay a little warmer. Soon I took my hair clip out of my golden brown hair with blond highlights in it and stepped inside the now steaming hot shower.

The water poured down on my body making my muscles relax except for that one spot on my back that would remain forever broken. I was washing off the soap when there was a knock on the door. “It's open.” I yelled and Rachel came in and sat down on the toilet and looked down at her nails.

I knew something was wrong before she even spoke but I never knew the words would penetrate my heart like they would until her words slipped out.

“ he escaped. They don't know how he did but we need to move. I don't know where but me and Paige are looking for places. Is there anywhere particular that would want to move too?”

I had to hold on to the wall for support causing Rachel to jump up from the toilet making sure I was alright. I had trouble breathing but soon after she handed me an inhaler I was alright. I had panic attacks out of the blue but big news usually set it off.

“Ashley are you alright?” She asked kind of worried.

I just nodded then asked “When do we leave?”

“Um I hope soon. The police are working with us to find a secure location. But we get to pick it and we want you involved.”

I bit my lip still standing underneath the shower still run down my back and hair thinking about where I could go to safely escape my now crazy lunatic ex boyfriend who was still probably after me to finish me off. This was not going to help me at all. I sighed once more and told Rachel I needed time to think about it. Once she pulled the door firmly shut behind her I slid down the wall and cried my eyes out.

Soon after I noticed my water started to get cold so I got out and started to blow dry my hair when the lights flickered. I thought it was windy outside so I ignored it but it happened again. I screamed for the girls and they came with flashlights and we all went in my room. I hurriedly got changed. The lights went completely off and we looked at the neighbors who had electricity so we all knew something was going to happen.

Before it could we all snuck outside the back of the house but as we got in the car we seen a figure step out of the house with a black mask over their head and I seen their eyes which I knew all to well. I gulped and we all locked the car doors and sped down the road.

After a couple hours of just driving around town Paige suggested we take a roadtrip and see where it takes us. I thought it was a good idea at first but then I wondered about money and clothes and all sorts of other things.

“Are you girls sure we can do this? Can we really take a roadtrip and have enough money to do whatever?”

“Trust me, I have more than enough, daddy lends me money and if we need it, he'll give it to me.” Paige says with a sly glint in her eye.

“I don't like using your father's money whenever we need it-”

“Girl everything will be fine. Plus I've already made the call. Trust me if don't need to be found he's the man to talk to about it. We're going to London for a few days then after that we're going to Spain, it's a big city and that bastard can't find us there.”

I sat in the back keeping to myself after the conversation but I had to some what agree with Paige only because I couldn't argue with that. Her father was in the mob business and knew how to keep someone hidden. He did that with Paige and her mother but her mother finally had enough and left them.

“Alright let's go get the tickets and wait at the airport. I highly doubt he'll find us there. But just in case we'll park the car a few blocks away at a hotel so then we'll walk.”

“You're good at this hiding business.” I piped in and she looked at me through the rear-view mirror and said “I'd do anything to protect family.” Paige was taught well by her father and someday I would like to meet him.

Soon enough we parked the car and before we got out we got all our belongings that we kept in the car just in case and made our way towards the airport. When we got there we bought the tickets but had to wait 6 hours to board the flight. We didn't mind, though.

Once the 6 hours were up and we were all cuddled up together on the plane we all screamed and said “London, here we come!” People around us gave us funny looks but some laughed.

The flight attendant gave us bottles of water and Rachel said “Here's to a new beginning for all us.” Paige and I chuckled then bumped our water bottles together and giggled.

The flight wasn't bad and we all just relaxed. I felt nervous but I finally felt free. After all this time, which wasn't that long but I thought I wouldn't feel this way again.

We landed and Paige made a call to her dad to give us directions to a house that he rented when he came to town. Once the address was written down we got a cab and headed over. The house was huge. The mansion was 5 or 6 stories high and a cream color on the outside but it was so open and light. I felt like this place was off of twlight just so open where I didn't have to hide anymore, I think I was going to like it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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