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The vampires within the walls of Marcel's home rushed to the sound of the screaming crowding Caroline as she laid her head down on the cold floor where an inscription was written into stone.

Rebekah felt her own eyes water with tears threatening to fall, she glanced at her brother as he stepped forward wrapping his arms around Caroline's frail body.

"It's okay Love, It's okay" he whispered into her ear as she sobbed in his arms.

Marcel watched them sadly "What's happened?" He whispered to Rebekah, She looked at the floor pointing towards the words written into the stone ground

'Angels weep and pray for Grace Mikaelson; The brightest star in the sky is that of our loving daughter taken from our sight but never from our hearts' "It's where Grace is buried" Rebekah replied.

Klaus held Caroline tightly as her head rested against his chest, He knew this would happen if she came to their old home.

He made her the promise when Grace had died that she would be put to rest within their home so Caroline would never be far from her but when Mikael set fire to the city and almost burned their house to the ground he took Caroline and fled leaving Grace behind.

"I need to go Klaus, please." she sobbed.

Klaus nodded looking towards Marcel and his other vampires "Come on Rebekah" he said while his eyes trained on his protege.

Diego went to step forward but Marcel raised his hand to halt him "Let them go" He couldn't see her like that, Caroline was more to him than a common vampire storming through their city; She was the woman who breathed a new lease of life into him.

When Klaus and Rebekah left Marcel's vampires looking at their king confused "You just let them walk out? You let the Originals vampires walk out with our leverage.." Thierry spoke frustrated that Marcel just let them walk over him.

Marcel stepped forward griping him by the neck "She isn't leverage.. Never her. She means more than that"

He snapped at him angrily in his face "What is she then? A girlfriend from the 1800's?"

Marcel had to refrain from grabbing a piece of wood and piercing it in Thierry's heart as he spoke about her in such a manner

"She is my mother.."

the room went silent at Marcel's admission of his past.

"When Klaus took me in Caroline became my mother. As most of you know this was originally the Mikaelson Mansion when they had control of the city; That stone engraved there.." He said pointing towards the empty space on the floor.

"Is where Klaus and Caroline buried their daughter Grace"

Walking into his bedroom with Caroline still wrapped in his arms tightly, he sat on his bed hugging her towards him tightly

"She is buried there isn't she? We lived in that house" she trembled; her grip tightening on Klaus' shirt.

"Yes Love, We did once. It was once filled with happiness and then Mikael came along destroying everything we had built" he replied with distaste.

"Is that why you made Tyler get me out of sight when Mikael showed up in Mystic Falls? So I couldn't remember all the pain he had caused our family?"

Klaus placed his hands on either side of her face wiping the tears that fel nodding gently

"I couldn't risk loosing you again. I made a mistake once before letting you go and I wasn't going to do it again"

Caroline's mind drifted back to the words the vampire had said while she was in the room at the large house, still unsure of who the vampire was and why he called her his Momma

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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