Where It All Went Wrong

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"Payal, would you please let me annoy everyone on social media leading the time up to our marriage?" Adam asked, getting down on one knee with a ring in his hand and I internally gagged.

He's so corny, how do Payal even put up with him?

"Yes, yes. Of course, I would marry you, oh love of my life!" I tried my best impression of Indian accent and I think I nailed it.

"You are so bad at this, and Payal doesn't even talk like that. That accent was horrible. You're really good for nothing", Adam said playfully.

"Mind I remind you that I'm the one who's helping you here, and honestly if you propose like that, forget about getting a 'YES', it would be almost impossible for her not to throw something at you," I laughed and ducked when he threw a snowball at me.

"I for one think that it's romantic. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about it."

"Oh, please! I have a boyfriend!" I said flipping my hair.

"Are you sure?" he laughed at his own joke but his smile soon turned into one of pain when I punched him in the face, hard.

"Damn it, Bea! Not my face. You know that's all I have going for myself" he whined like a child.

"It's good to know you're self-aware. I'm pretty sure it was your looks that Payal fell for, definitely couldn't be for your non-existent brains," I cackled like a witch but then a sudden push made me land on the ground on my butt.

"Look who's talking. I'm pretty sure you threatened your boyfriend into dating you. Or worse, Bea, did you hire him?" he looked so serious while asking, that for a second I believed he actually thought of it but then I saw his dimples trying to poke out from his cheeks.

"I'll show you all about threatening", saying I took off after him.

Fifteen minutes and a lot of hair-pulling and snowballs throwing later, we fell on the ground with our backs to the tree.

"Let me tell you when she hears my proposal, she's gonna whoop loudly and then she's gonna kiss me, and then who knows, I might even get some action tonight", he said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"TMI cuz. I really don't want to hear about that. Sheesh, I'm leaving. Have fun with your proposal and if anything goes wrong then don't call me unless you want to hear me say 'I told you so'," saying, I kissed his cheek and laughed when he cursed at me.

After wishing him luck again because he's really going to need it, I walked towards the exit of Liz Christy Garden.

I was almost out of the place when I looked up and saw Sam standing in front of me. Seeing him, a huge smile came on to my face and I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey love, what are you doing here? I thought you had an outdoor meeting today" I asked while giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Oh wait. This is outdoor. Silly me! Is this where you were shooting? It's nice that you're here. Let's go home together," I said nuzzling his cheeks but he pushed me away.

I stumbled a bit since I wasn't expecting it but now looking at him, something was wrong. His posture looked stiff and instead of looking at me lovingly like he usually does, his eyes were completely red and so full of hatred that it made me flinch.

"How could you do this to me?" he asked but before I could answer him, he continued, "You knew about my past and yet you did this to me. I have told you before if even for a second you have doubts about our relationship, talk to me. But you still-" by the end, his voice completely broke and my heart shattered seeing the one person I love with all my life, in pain.

I was on verge of tears and looking at me, he looked disgusted, "This innocent act of yours is not going to work anymore. I saw you with your other boyfriend. How long were you planning to hide this from me? Did you really think that you could two-time both of us and I won't come to know about it? I was so stupid, so stupid." He fisted his hands in his hair and his eyes were red-rimmed.

"Sam, I-" I tried putting my hand on his shoulder to calm him down but, "No, don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me with those hands." he yelled making me jump in shock.

He had never raised his voice at me. This was the first time and knowing that I was the reason for it even though with no fault of mine, made my heart broke.

"Sam listen to me. It's not what you think. You have completely misread. Just let me expl-" I tried explaining but he cut me off, saying, "No Bea. I have had enough. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again. I still can't believe that you of all people would do this to me. Not only that, that guy even proposed to you. How could I have misread the situation? I don't think it could have been any clearer. I saw it with my own eyes Bea. I'm done with you. I thought you were different. I can't believe I even thought of loving a person like you!" I flinched when he walked past me shoving his shoulder, but it wasn't the physical pain that was the reason behind the tears falling my cheeks.

I kept staring at the place he occupied just minutes ago. I couldn't believe that he left me, just like that. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground. I don't remember how long I sat there, staring blankly at the empty space in front of me, but when I finally got a hold of my senses, I realised that I had lost the love of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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