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Being best friends with Metallica would include...

Being best friends with Metallica would include

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A/n: This one is set after Cliff's passing. I could always do another one that includes Cliff. This one was written a little while ago, so I'm always open to writing newer and better ones! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one! :)

— So, even tho they're literally like the gods of thrash metal, they're dorks

— Like, still thrash metal gods, but dorks

— You're probably closest with Kirk

— You call him Captain Kirk for fun sometimes

— He loves it bc he's a huge sci-fi nerd

— You guys are literally like the same person which is why you get along so well

— The inside jokes are on a different level cause ur sense of humor is identical

— You guys bond over your favorite comics and movies

— You guys hold weekly hang outs with just the two of you, where you'll snuggle up together and take turns trading comic books or watching your favorite shows and movies together

— Him trying to show you how to play guitar, but you suck pretty badly at it

— Lars is literally like your little brother

— You love his little Danish accent

— You call him Peanut...no one knows why (he's small...sorry Lars bahaha)

— He pretends to hate it, but you know he secretly loves it cause every time you call him that, he gets a little smile on his face

— Lol, this guy drives dumb fast for no reason, so y'all will just be flying down the street at warp speed (did ya' catch the reference? Hehehe)

— "Fuck, was that the turn??"
     "Honestly Lars...I can't even see what we've been going past..."

— Be honest... we all know you read the last part with "fock" instead of "fuck" lol! Sorry again Lars!

— He likes to imitate your dramatics, like you freaking out over something

— This man invented "vlogging," (he definitely did) so there's lots of random footage of him making fun of you

— Him randomly breaking out into drum solos

— "Peanut, I'm trying to write something down..."
     *drumming intensifies

— Speaking of being like a brother, James is definitely like your big brother

— But at the same time, he's low key, high key like ur boyfriend

— That can be a good and a bad thing...

— You guys get along one minute and then are fighting the next

— "Why do you have to be so annoying?!"
    "Why do you have to be so annoying?!"

— The other guys are always jokingly shouting, "GET A ROOM!"

— Then one of you walks up to the other and just mutters a quick sorry and then ur besties again

— You make fun of how long is legs are...he makes fun of how short your's are

— BEAR HUGS...bc why is this man so huge?? (Idk why I just thought of the video where he's like, "I'm a lumberjack and I don't a shit," LOL)

— He'll def try to balance beers on your head

— You like to watch him write music bc you think it's so cool how he comes up with different riffs

— "Why are you staring at me?"
     "I just think it's cool!"

— He always asks you if you think a lyric is good, but you have no idea why bc ur not a songwriter

— Last but not least, we have the man himself

— The Newstead man!

— U def tell everyone that he's your favorite member bc he's the sweetest

— Kirk getting sad at that, lol

— Jason is definitely the one to go to if you need to escape the chaos

— I feel like hanging out with him would be such a vibe, just chilling

— Him breaking out into random bass solos

— Telling him he looks cute in his glasses to which he blushes and puts his hair in front of his face (I want his hair!)

— Kirk going: "What about me? Do I look cute in my glasses??"  *strikes a pose

— If you want to have a deep conversation with someone, Jason is the one you go to

— Speaking of which, I feel like you two would bond bc you've been a friend of the band since before Cliff passed away, and you were super welcoming to him and warm, even tho the guys can be sorta jerks towards him at times (no shade, I love them all bahaha)

— I feel like you guys would watch movies together, or like go on random quests throughout the different venues that they're performing at

— Bike rides together (I have the video in my head where he couldn't fit the bike in the trunk lol!)

— All in all, I feel like it would be a true thrash metal experience with these guys...

— PSYCH! Metallica may be the biggest group of nerds I've ever seen, but I love them to death so let's just say they'd be an awesome group of best friends to have around bahaha

— PSYCH! Metallica may be the biggest group of nerds I've ever seen, but I love them to death so let's just say they'd be an awesome group of best friends to have around bahaha

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