Blessings and Curses (Chapter 2)

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"Class, settle down!" Pro Hero Vlad King ordered loudly, but his words only fell on deaf ears as boundless energy buzzed through Class 1-B. After the events of the Battle Trials, everyone was still either excited or nervous about what happened a few days before. But moreover, the news of what became of their fellow student, Tay Miyashiro, still was fresh in their minds.

"Did you see how she turned into a wolf and tackled that Rinji kid to save him from Yukan? That was so cool!" Pony Tsunotori cried in broken Japanese, her tail wagging excitedly. 

"I know, right?! And her wolf form looked so cute! Like a giant fluffy puppy!" Kinoko Komori smiled.

"And the fact that she was injured and still protected him? That was probably the bravest thing that I've ever seen." Yosetsu Awase spoke with wonder.

"Maybe she was sent to be Rinji's guardian angel." Ibara Shiozaki replied, her tone was calm and reverent. "Divine intervention can be very curious at times."

"Well, whatever it is, I still think she was very epic out there. I'd love to spar with her someday." Togaru Kamakiri exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The class cheered.

"Class, I know you all are still hyped after the battle trials, but today is a new day, meaning it's time to focus on the now." Vlad spoke up.

As the class continued to ramble, Itsuka Kendo turned to Yukana Osore, who had a somber look on his bandaged face. "Yukana? Are you alright?"

But Yukana didn't answer as he turned his back to the others. Ever since the day of the Battle Trials, all he could see was Tay's lifeless body in Rinji's arms. All he could feel was the massive weight of helplessness as he froze where he stood at that moment, unable to do anything. All he could hear was the gut wrenching cries as Rinji pleaded for Tay to wake up, but to no avail. It was a day that will haunt him for the rest of his life....because it was the day he almost lost the only real friend he ever had.

"Is Tay coming to class today?" Hiryu Rin asked. "She should be fully healed by now, right, Sensei?"

"I'm sure she will come whenever she's ready." Vladd nodded. "For the time being, we need to get back to business. Today, we-"

Suddenly, the door slowly creaked open as a small figure peered through the door, catching everyone's attention.

"TAY!!!" Yukana cried as he and the rest of the students ran to her as soon as the girl with the mint green hair entered the room. Without hesitation, he couldn't help, but sob as he held her to his chest. "You're OK. Thank God, you're OK. Don't you EVER scare me like that again, missy. You almost gave me a heart attack." 

"I'm so glad you're alright, Tay. What you did during the Battle Trial was absolutely amazing! Maybe you and I can train together someday! I'd love to get some tips from you!" Setsuna Tokage piped up. 

"Mhm." Yui Kodai, being a girl of very words, nodded. 

"That was so cool when you turned into a gorilla!" Manga Fukidashi cried, his speech bubble shaped face bouncing excitedly as he spoke. "You were like WHAPAH! And Sato was like CRASH BANG! And you were like HIYOOOOHHHH WHAPAPAPAPA! BOOMSHAKALAKA!!" 

"YOUR QUIRK IS SO COOL!!!" Jurota Shirashida yelled before the rest of the class joined in.

"Well, if it wasn't for Rinji, I wouldn't even be here." Tay smiled before trying to console the softhearted Yukana. "I owe him my life." 

Suddenly, a loud snap broke out through the class, forcing them to be silent as a tall blonde young man with greyish blue eyes made his way through the crowd. "Well, Tay, I must say that congratulations are in order. You gave us quite a scare, though. How are you feeling, by the way?"

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