A Day With Junior

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One of the things that matters most to Michellee is family. And she had a very big and loving family indeed. Her daughter E.B., husband Guy, and husband's friend (which makes him family in her book) Sam, and his mother Pam, brought the Great Butter Battle to an end and that very same day, she gave birth to her son, Guy Jr. What's more, with some Goo-Lacka-Goo from Pam, Guy's inventions finally stopped exploding. Nearly three months have passed since that fateful day, so pretty soon, E.B. will be turning thirteen. In the meantime, however, Michellee was given a day all to herself and Junior.

Since Junior wasn't able to walk yet, Michellee carried him around in a baby carrier over her chest. She looked around as some people flew overhead wearing Self-Flyers. They waved at Michellee from above. Junior was reaching up, apparently wanting to fly himself.

"Don't worry, son. You'll fly someday", she told him.

Michellee had walked all the way to Donna's Diner, and who else would be there other than Sam himself, sitting at a booth with Pam.

"Michellee! Hey!", Sam exclaimed, waving happily to her.

She approached and said, "Good afternoon, Sam. You as well, Pam."

"Afternoon, Michellee", Pam says back. "Hey, Junior", she says in a sing-song voice and waves to him.

"Aww, look who's out today", Sam said. "Are you here to see your Uncle Sam?"

"We were just stopping for a bite to eat. You guys okay with us joining you?"

"Sure", Pam said. She got up and grabbed a high chair for Junior to sit in and Michellee took the spot next to Pam closest to Junior to assist him when he's eating.

As usual, Sam ordered green eggs and ham. Pam did too. Michellee ordered the vegan version of it and Junior just ate a jar of baby food, which he got all over his face.

"So, what's new?", Pam asks Michellee.

"Nothing much. Guy's Inventorium is a big hit, especially with the Self-Flyers." Just as she said that, a boy of about fifteen flew past the window, waving to everyone inside the diner. Junior made a happy coo as he reached his arms forward.

"Do you like your daddy's inventions, Junior?", Sam asks in another sing-song voice.

"He sure does", said Michellee. "He can't wait until he's big enough to use one of those things."

"What about E.B.?", Pam asks.

"Oh, she's still in a long distance relationship with Looka. They talk on the phone for hours."

"Aww, that's so cute", Sam says, softly shaking his fists.

"You know, Guy and I were considering bringing him out here for E.B.'s birthday in a few weeks", Michellee points out.

"E.B. has a birthday coming up?", Pam asks.

"Yep. My little girl's turning thirteen. Can you believe it?"

Pam shook her head. "I can't. Are you guys throwing a party for her?"

"Yes. Not only are we considering inviting Looka, but also Guy's family. So, yeah, the house will be pretty packed."

"And we can come too, right?", Sam asks with a big smile.

"Of course you can come. You two are family, too."

"Thanks, Michellee", said Pam.

"Oh, it's no big deal. Anything to make my kids happy." She turns to her baby and says in a teasing tone, "Isn't that right, Junior?" She allows him to hold her index finger and he laughs.

Green Eggs and Ham: Extra Bit(e)s - MichelleeWhere stories live. Discover now