To Glurfsburg With Love

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It was autumn. Another three months had passed since E.B.'s thirteenth birthday. That one had to be her favorite birthday by far for...gosh, just thinking about it made her blush. She wasn't sure why when everyone saw the kiss.

Oh, that kiss...

She wanted to say nothing compares to it, but then again, that was her first kiss.

Then an idea popped into E.B.'s head.

Picking up the cellphone her mom got her for her birthday, she dialed the number that she called so many times.

"Hello?", Looka asked on the other end.

"Hey, Looka", E.B. said, nervously pulling at the ribbon in her hair.

"Oh, hey, E.B. What's going on?"

She chuckles softly. "I just wanted to ask you something. Hope it's not too much."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well, I was kinda thinking...if you'd like to come back to Glurfsburg and hang with me for the day." She finished that with a smile, even though he wasn't around to see it.

He was quiet for a good moment. That had E.B. scared.

"All right. I'll just ask my dad, see what he says. I'll call you back and let you know, okay?"

"Okay." Then the line went silent.
"Hey, Dad?", Looka asked, walking into his father's office.

"Yes, son?", the Dooka asked, his eyes still on his paperwork.

"Well...I just talked to E.B. on the phone and..." His father was looking up now. Looka sighed in relief. "She wants to know if I can visit her for a day."

"Of course you can. I know how much that girl means to you. In fact, from now on, Cedric can fly you in the private jet should you ever want to go."

"Oh, thank you so much, Dad!" Looka ran back to his room to make the call.
"He said yes?", E.B. asked.

"Yeah. He even said I can visit anytime I wish to!"

"That's amazing, Looka! So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"I'll be there."

"Ok. See ya!"
The next morning, E.B. put on her standard pink dress, but instead of tying her hair up as usual, she instead brushed it until it was as straight as she could possibly make it. Other than that, she didn't do much else to make herself up. Looka already knows the real her. (Plus, in case you missed it, they kissed too).

E.B. came downstairs for breakfast. Guy, Michellee and Junior were already at the table. The couple was trying to help the baby eat his food, but, like always, it ended up all over his face.

"Good morning, Elanabeth", Guy said as she walked in.

"Morning, Guy, Mom, Junior." She took some bread out of the box and put it in the toaster.

"Are you wearing your hair differently?", he asked.

"Oh, um." She grabbed one end of it and twirled it nervously in her fingers. "Yeah."

"Looks good."


"Got something nice planned today?", Michellee asked.

E.B. took a deep breath and nodded. "I...I invited Looka to hang out for the day. I know I should've checked with you two first, but I just couldn't help myself. Please don't get mad at me."

Guy and Michellee exchanged looks. Then Michellee said, "That's okay, sweetie."

E.B. was surprised. "It is?"

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