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Sometimes you have to see the inside first before getting comfortable with it but well.. Somehow this one is real one. Yep. So get comfortable but not too comfortable. :D

Some informations before we go straight to the story.

Name: Guest
Age: 19
Appearance: Whitish skin, light-black(almost like grey but a little darker) short hair and [?] eyes.
Information: A lonely boy who is struggling at social and tries to avoid any troubles, sometimes awake at 2-3 AM at Blox Park. Siblings with Blue and Lavender. Although Guest don't look alike with them(expect for the skin), he still claim that they are related to each other.


Name: Noob
Age: 19
Appearance: Light-orange skin, orange-yellowish messy hair and blue eyes.
Information: An energetic boy who mostly spend his time doing something random. Something about this guy is special.


Name: Bacon
Age: 18
Appearance: Whitish skin, brown short hair and soft-brown eyes.
Information: A kind boy who cares about his friends. Sibling with Acorn.


Name: Acorn
Age: 18(almost 19)
Appearance: Whitish skin, brown long hair tied in bun and soft-brown eyes.
Information: A strong girl who keeps her guard up all the time and spend her time with Lavender. Sibling with Bacon.


Name: Blue
Age: 18
Appearance: Whitish skin, soft-dark blue hair and [?] eyes.
Information: A normal boy who mostly focus on his friends and school. Siblings with Guest and Lavender.


Name: Lavender
Age: 18
Appearance: Whitish skin, lavender long hair tied in bun and [?] eyes.
Information: A cheerful girl who spends her time with Acorn. Siblings with Guest and Blue.


Name: Noodle
Age: 18
Appearance: Ivory skin, long blonde hair and [?] eyes.
Information: A beautiful girl who cares for her friends and family. Focus on school.


Name: Pizza
Age: 18
Appearance: Ivory skin, long raven hair tied and [?] eyes.
Information: A judgy girl who spend her times with her friends and tries to focus on school. She'll judge you.


Name: disiwheiejdieiejfhfhqiwoekfidisjwo9w1irjfnfiisaowodhkssoiwuwjshcsbbaamkdisfgskjsxhdoxbksjcakucdj
Nickname: imhigh.
Age: 19
Appearance: Whitish skin, yellow gelled-up short hair and yellow eyes.
Information: A boy that appear out of nowhere.


Also the [?] mean that I don't know what to decide and which color suit them so if you have any suggestion, please tell me in the comments.

And that's it! Oh wait one more thing! Make sure to comment and uh give vote so i know that you enjoy.. I guess you can share to your friends that still like nooest stuff!

I hope you'll enjoy.. I'll post the first chapter after I left and focus on things and forgot about this acc password and stressed all night trying to find the password when I found out that you can send your acc's email to reset the password and make new one!


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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