Recap/ ch1 pt1

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Alice was a young girl torn from her family that fateful June 19th, when her friends were killed and she was forced to live with the teachers.
Life wasn't easy for our poor Alice, as she struggled with two adult teachers claiming her as their lover, and another two posing as parents. There was some good to come from this, enter- Gilbert and C, the only  sensible two in this messed up house
Alice awoke to the sound of tony screaming "Get Up Alice, it is morning, you know there is no sleeping in, we have a tight schedule, come get breakfast " he said as Alice sat up, tony then left the room to let Alice dress.

Alice put on her iconic pink dress and brushed her long brown hair, then left her room with a sigh " time to start my suffering " she whispered to herself as she walked downstairs.

At the table sat Wellington, Brendan, Colin, and shrignold, Alice internally cringed as she sat down.

To be continued cuz author Chan is lazy

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