Edge of the Woods

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    Chemistry is a science, and science and I don't quite get along. Chemical equations and ratios based on formulas created by old white men before the English language was even invented and held together by the universal trust that they're right rather than have us the question is whether gravity is real and if there is water on Mars. Ms.Fisher is all about one hundred percent faith, not just in these scientific concepts but also in her own Christian beliefs that when she teaches human anatomical functions and chemistry if anyone utters a word about evolution, she shuts all conversation down. She gives us zero room to explore, which that is what science is about, exploration. 

  I take my seat at lab table seven next to Derric Gomez, a shorter boy with a little bit of a stomach who if I squint hard and tilt my head looks like Patrick Dempsey. His dark curls fall in front of his face into his line of vision. We haven't said a word to each other yet s far this year, and it has been a total of three months in this metal stool. I look him in the eye, but he faces back down at his book to read as Ms.Fisher does. 

    I space out and decide to let my mind wander. I think about how my dad is probably at the construction site as usual, how he's probably worried about the full moon this Saturday and planning the Friday night pack meeting on his lunch while eating his peanut butter, pickle, and strawberry jam sandwich on white bread that I make him every morning how mom used to.  How I am so worried about the full moon. How it will be my first turning. How all of my bones will crack into pieces, rebuild into a new position, and do it again once it all ends. I wonder what color I will be, white like Mom or dark brown like Dad or maybe tan. 

    "What is the most common element in the human body... Delilah? Delilah!" she snaps her ruler on her desk and I blink and shake my head a little. 

    "Uhhhh oxygen right? Maybe it's carbon," I let out quickly and she gives a little shake of the head in response but moves on with the lesson.  My grade in this class is passing at least. 

    The bell rings and she lets off class with a call, "Remember that the semester final is on Thursday. This final is worth thirty-five percent of your grade!" I quickly shuffle all of my things back into my bag and toss it over my shoulder. 

    The hall is full of people, most of them being taller than me making it incredibly hard to see through the crowd. My next class is study hall so I skip it and sit outside under the trees in the courtyard. I make my way to the exit next to the gym and concert hall and prop it with a small rock so the sensor of the door doesn't beep. 

    Outside the air has warmed up and I can't see my breath anymore, but the grass is still dewy. I listen to the slight crunch under my feet as I walk to my usual place under the tall evergreen at the edge of the woods. I sit my bag next to me and pull out my mini keyboard. I turn it on and graze the keys. I let my fingers play on their original which turns into the song from my parents' wedding video.  The video of them dancing spins in my head as I close my eyes. Mom throws a piece of cake at Dad and throws her head back laughing in pure bliss. I soak in the happiness and continue to play. 

    "So when you aren't hiding from the pack you play music in the woods? I mean it makes total sense with your weird ass." 

    That voice breaks the video in my head and I open my eyes to see none other than Garret Allan, "What do you want this time? Is this just the typical ridiculing or is it going to get physical this time Garret, how would my dad feel about that?" I place my keyboard on my bag and stand up which in my head was a lot more intimidating but he is an entire foot taller than me. 

    He lets out a chuckle and shuffles up so now his chest is touching me, "You may be his daughter but you will never prove yourself worthy of being it. You will mean nothing to the pack and after that little car cra-"

    "Never fucking talk about my mother. I will break you in so many ways that you can't even imagine." 

   He shoves me against the tree and holds me there by my neck. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "Trying to scare me isn't going to work little wolf. Once your dad gets too old I'll take his place and I will do whatever I want to you. I will be your boss. I will talk as much as I want about your piece of shit mother who frankly ruined the pack by softening your dad. It was the best day of my life going to her funeral, and it will be yours next if I can help it." He lets go of me and walks away toward the parking lot. I huff to catch my breath again and quickly gather my things. I pull out my phone and look at my reflection, a bruise is already forming on my neck. The bell rings signaling me to head to music theory, but I just start my walk home. I don't need Dad to get an abuse claim on him again. 

    Tears smear down my cheeks and rest in my scarf.  I avoid every crack on the sidewalk and pull my scarf tighter around my neck. The bruise will heal in a couple of days and until then I plan on hiding it from Dad. My phone reads eleven thirty, he will probably be home by now. I think back to what Garret said. He had no right to say those things about my mother. She was an amazing woman and improved the lives of so many people. She helped so many people. Her legacy deserves better. She deserved to live. 

    When he's alpha what is he going to do to me?

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