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            I woke due to the discomfort my t-shirt had brought as it stuck to my skin, damp and sticky. I hated the heat for this very reason. It wasn't by any surprise that I wouldn't be able to sleep through the entire night, I never can during the summer. It's far too hot to be comfortable, and constantly switching positions and pulling the duvet on and off is far from pleasurable.

I rolled onto my side, turning my pillow over and allowing my cheek to settle into the cooled fabric. It wouldn't be long until it warmed back up, but it was nice enough to tide me over for now.

My eyes were about to flutter closed when I noticed slight movement from behind the curtains. I frowned, but didn't move. It was still pitch black outside, but the street lamp that flickered with a soft amber glow made it just bright enough so I could distinguish a human-shaped silhouette outside my window.

It was far too dark to analyse the figure, all I could tell was that they had a fairly feminine build. Seemingly long, slightly wavy hair. Nothing else was visible, nothing defining at least.

I felt my mouth run dry, a lump forming at the back of my throat. What the fuck? I felt paralysed in fear, frozen on the mattress as whatever person behind the glass watched with darkened features.

Whoever it was must've thought I was asleep, as after a few minutes of me listening to my heart pounding in my ear drums; they left.

Needless to say I was too scared to go back to sleep that night, or even move for that matter. I became so hyper aware of every little noise that occurred, whether that was the creak of my parents bed next door, or trees outside rustling in the slight breeze.

          Before I knew it, light was streaming into my bedroom, painting my walls with vibrant sunshine hues. The lack of sleep was already making my eyes sting, but the blinding brightness was now making them feel ten times worse.

A headache was already starting to form behind my right eyebrow. Great, now I'm tired and jet lagged.

I sighed and pushed myself out of bed, turning to pass a quick and wary glance at the window; I made a mental note to make sure it was always going to be closed and locked before leaving my room. The glossy wooden floorboards were cold on my feet and sent a chill wracking through my body as I made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I hadn't eaten since yesterday, and even then I didn't eat much, just picked at some shitty chicken salad that the airplane staff had supplied us with.

We definitely need to go grocery shopping, I thought after being greeted with an empty fridge. Even the pots left on the counter from last night were empty, only stains had been left as remembrance of what they had eaten.

My stomach gurgled from underneath my t-shirt, and I lifted my hand against it. I'd have to settle on an apple for now, hopefully that would tide me over until mum or dad was awake.

I reached for the straw-woven basket adorning the marble counter top and almost on cue, someone started beating the door with their fist. I jumped; and whipped my head around, frowning upon noticing the two clowns stood outside the window next to the door.

I hastily walked the distance from the kitchen to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.
"What're you doing?" I hissed at Andrew and Anahita who stood there with dumb smiles on their faces, which fell after noticing my less than impressed expression.

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