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Days pass and memories were made with chocolate, everything was going nicely. More experiments were done, more mysterious scars were placed upon squeaky. Where in christoff's name could all these scars be coming from? His curiosity grew more and more as chocolate stood beside squeaky. Chocolate's concern grew bigger with each new scar that squeaky was seen with.

"Squeaky..? Are you ok? Are you being hurt? You have quite a bit of scars on you. You seem to also get a new one each day?" Squeaky didnt reply, he felt off... Something isnt right. Thoughts surrounded his head. I dont feel right... This isnt right... My face... My face is the problem... The skin feels too loose...
"Squeakkyyyy you in there?" He shook his head and looked up at chocolate and tilts his head.

"Squeaky you seem to be zoning out a good bit... you almost look like an assylum patient! Hehe!" Squeaky laughs but... Trails off... He stared at his paws and the thoughts came back... Skin too loose... Needs to be comfortable... Free.. TAKE... IT... OFF... With a bit of hesitation, squeaky began tearing away at his face as chocolate screamed in horror. "SQUEAKY STOP IT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE GONNA DIE BY ALL THIS BLOOD YOUR LOSING" He payed no attention to chocolate... Squeaky slammed his head about 5 times on the wall... Leaving a large crack in his skull, and pieces of bloody furry flesh all over the floor beneath the two.

What seemed like hours passed, squeaky woke up in his cell... Expecting a new experiment to be made on him, there was no one. He was left to just have a relax day and roam his cell. Squeaky's face felt a little wet and cold so he touched it. Stings... He looked at his paw and saw the blood painted all over his finger.

Why... Am I here, what happened to me. This isnt my body. This isnt me. What the fuck have they done to my appearance? I want out of here. Why am I so small and fluffy? Why is my face torn all to hell? Why was I called squeaky? My name isnt squeaky...

I Am harver

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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