Act 2

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Hayley finally found the library.
After a bit of reading she was about to leave for class when suddenly she heard a bloodcurdling scream, her body froze up and she couldn't move. Holy FUCK" she thought,
She gained control of her body again and ran,
She arrived to the front office sweating and shaking as she was telling them what happened a student ran in scared and pale
«There was a girl screaming and I saw a figure run by and I saw a dead body»
The investigation had begun
One murderer, one dead body wait there could be more, the students were told to stay in they're rooms and lock they're doors.
Hayley sigh's when He knocked on her door
She opened the door and it was Liam
«Hey Hayley, I was wondering if you want to hang out» she Was confused but let him in
« Why are you going to this college I mean you don't look like the type of person to go to a crappy college »
She sighed « well no other college's would take me so here I am. » she said with a upset voice
« I was thinking I saw you in class and your really good at solving things maybe maybe we can solve the murder » she looked at him confused.
«Actually forget about it.»
He said Hayley looked at his face, she sighed
«fine I'll do it» His face lit up
« Wait you heard the scream right? » Liam said
She had nodded, « did you talk to anyone that had like a voice or scream like that »
As she started thinking she remembered Angie
« Yeah there was this girl Angie I think »
His face looked determined
« Well... let's pay a visit to miss Angie's place! »
He said determined « I'll stay here » Hayley says
He says mad and sad at the same time

:( I may not finish this Book sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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