Chapter 1

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                          3rd person POV

                                     In the demon realm it was a peaceful night and lord Sullivan came back from the human world to take his end of a contract, a human name Iruma. A boy that's parents sold him for money, really good parents truly, after Sullivan explained to Iruma that he's going to be his grandson and taking him to his new room a huge boom was heard all over the demon realm and it startled everyone in it. Lord Sullivan and Opera looked out the window to see a huge black and white egg like thing falling from the sky and crashing a mile in Lord Sullivan's backyard. Sullivan then said "Opera, make shure the manor is save I'm going to check it out, most likely demon border control is coming here" he nodded and Sullivan snapped his fingers and teleported. He was at where the egg landed and the demon border control appeared as well, a member of the thirteen crowns and security chief of demon border control Henri Azazel. He walked up to Sullivan and he said "Lord Sullivan, I see your here too" he nodded and said "well it did land in my back yard" they walked to the egg and Sullivan asked "what is it?" Henri replied "I'm not shure" just then it started to crack and everyone made distance between them and the egg and once it finished cracking paws of some kind of creature was breaking apart the egg and once it finished a hole nest of giant black and white mice came out with a big one in the middle, Henri told everyone to stand bye and keep a good distance from them. The mice haven't moved from there spot keeping the one in the middle safe but to the eyes of Sullivan he can see the one in the middle is on guard as well almost as if she's protecting something as well. Sullivan summoned a telescope using magic and he looked threw it to see anything about the middle one and that's when he noticed something on top of its head, he can see a girl on top of her head and he said "I think you should see this Henri" he handed him the telescope and pointed to where Sullivan was looking and he saw the girl as well.
He was puzzled about this and he said " maybe there protecting there food?" Sullivan looked at the mice again and said" it more looks like there protecting there young". Henri took a second look and he said " you may be right, then how to we approach this then?" Sullivan thought about this for a moment until he said " let me try something, if I got your permission on this" he nodded and said " only if I go with you" Sullivan nodded and they teleported in front of the mice and they where startled bye this and the ones in front arched there backs. Sullivan raised his hands telling them he means no harm and he said " I mean no harm, I just want to make shure the girl is ok" the mice looked like they understood him and they looked to the big one and she lowered her head and one of the smaller mice used there tail to carefully lay her on the ground. Sullivan and Henri got a good look at the girl and she has (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eye, the other is hidden behind her bang, she has pointed ears and stripes all over her body. Her clothes are a black and green coat with a hood the resembles the mice and black gloves. By her said is a big scroll and a flute, there is a healed stab wound that is way too big for it to be cause by a knife most likely a sword and by the way of the scar she couldn't have lived. Henri checked her pulse and she's alive but what shocked her was the sent he picked up from her, she looks like a demon but she's human. Sullivan picked up the sent as well and he looked to the big mouse and said " we need to take her but we won't hurt her, we just want questions answered" the big one nodded and one of the smaller ones took her on her back and then Henri said to his men " do not harm the mice, they are friendly!" They all agreed and Sullivan and Henri went back to the manor into a room big enough to fit five of the mice. The mouse put her on the bed and it stayed by her side, almost like a little brother acts to a sick big sister, Sullivan noticed this and said " I think she was raised by them" Henri notice this too and said " I get what you mean, but let's confirm this with her" Sullivan nodded and they heard a Grown and they noticed she's waking up.

                              (Y/N)'s POV

                                              I started to wake up and my hole body is sore, I sat up and I felt paws on my side and a tongue liking my face. I looked to see one of my younger Brothers I giggled and I patted his head and I said " I'm fine, you don't have to worry" I then heard someone clearing there throats and I noticed two wizards. I was about to grab my flute but my younger brother stopped me and I can see in his eyes that they mean no harm, I simply just glare at the two men and the one in the suit approached us and he asked " do you understand me?" I nodded and he said "that's good, my name is Henri Azazel security chief of demon border control, right next to me is Lord Sullivan and we just want to ask you a few questions if that's ok". I simply nodded because I wanted answers, Henri asked "what's your name?" I replied coldly "(Y/N) Hameline " he nodded and asked "and what are those mice?" This got me curious because everyone has heard of the nemesis, I replied "they are my brethren" he nodded then Sullivan asked "what's the last thing you remember?" I thought about it and that came to mind. I replied "I remember being stabbed threw my chest by an inquisitor" Sullivan had a serious look and he asked "what's an Inquisitor to you?" I replied with venom in my voice "people who hunt down wizards like me and execute me for the crime of existing" Henri and Sullivan looked shocked at this and Henri asked "one last question, are you human?" I tilted my head at the question and I said "I'm human" the two of them looked at each other and I said "now, tell me where am I?, how did I get here?, and what are you?" Henri was hesitant then Sullivan said "I'll explain everything on one the condition you do the same" I nodded while petting my younger brother.
I have them go first and apparently I'm in a realm called the demon realm, a place where demons live and apparently my cures makes me look like an average demon. That shocked me the most then after they where done I told them my story and I didn't leave out any details. I told them how I was captured and used as a tool to fight against the nemesis, rumble town, my friends Deaths, the death of the one inquisitor that I viewed as a father and the events leading to my death. I have no idea why I told them it just felt right for some reason it just felt right, they excuse themselves for a minute and went to the corner of the room out of normal ear shot but thanks to my time with my brethren my hearing is surprisingly good so I heard Sullivan asked Henri "are you ok?" He replied "I'm fine, I have a daughter around her age and if those things happen to her I don't know what I do" Sullivan patted his shoulder and he said "I have an idea, it's most likely she's stuck here forever. So how about I adopt her as my grand daughter" I was shocked by this and he continued "I can give her a life she couldn't get in her old one, plus my back yard is big enough for her Brethren to live Peacefully" Henri hummed and he said "well normally I would erase her memories of us and send her to the human world but given these circumstances having her live in the demon realm is our only option but it's her choice " he nodded and they went back to me. Sullivan then said "I have something to ask you" I then said "I heard everything you said, my hearing is really good and I asked what's in it for you?" I shoot him a glare telling him I don't trust him. I waited for his response but I didn't expect him to hug me, he then said "a child shouldn't live a life like that and since life gave you a second chance I figured I give you a nice normal life here, besides I always wanted grandchildren". I haven't had a hug like this since his death and it felt nice, he's concealer about this, I trembled a little and I asked "if I agree, will I live a normal life" he replied "yes, no more fighting just a normal life, well as normal as it gets in the neverworld". I then trembly lifted my arms to hug me and I felt tears going down my face and like back then I just cried in to his shoulder after a few minutes I singed the paper that officially makes me his grand daughter Sullivan then said" you can start school tomorrow and don't worry about anything I'll get anything you want also" he then picked up a big glass tub of some kind of liquid and poured it on me and he said "this perfume will give you the smell of a demon, if any demon smells your human sent they will eat you"yeah I'm definitely going to keep this on me. Henri then said "I'll have two agents help you cope with everything also my daughter is going to the same school your going so she can show you around and hopefully you two could get along" I nodded and I turned to my brother and I said "go tell mother" he nodded and they went away. Sullivan then said "you can stay here, this can be your room, now get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow" I nodded and I went to sleep.

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