fiction becomes fact

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As i fell through my living room floor into a bright yellow office space similar to the one on the news, i felt sick. A wet substance was dripping from my cheek, it was a red colour. Then i realised the smell. It smelt like iron and the wet liquid mixed. I must have grazed myself really badly. Out of the misty fog in the distance i heard a scream but it didnt sound human but it sounded like an animal in destress. I walked in the direction of the sound but as i did things git tough.
As i approached the sound a dark wirey figure started to get into focus.
"hello?! Someone?!" I shout to get the sounds attention. As a turned to walk away i go face to face with a tall, black, wirey figure that i had heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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