chapter five, unconsciously yours

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I CANT BELIEVE THAT SHES IN MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW, mint is in my house. The fact that she didn't know that she was coming to my house hurt a little, but who cares! She's in my house! I'm going feral and my mind is going to explode—and my heart. I know she doesn't want to be here, it's fine. I got that as soon as she saw me. But I don't care, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

    Is it weird if I say I have a crush on a girl who hates me? Yes. It is. But, it is what it is. It's kind of cool to have someone in mind. Even though it's been two years that she's in mine.

    I stand in the kitchen alone, as I wait for her to exit the bathroom. So she knows my sister. When mint went to the bathroom, my sister burst out of laugh. Obviously she knows.

    She knows every little thing about me. And I know everything about her. It was our deal when she started high school. Because, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. I still don't by the way. She says that it was my lucky time. Still not sure if it's true, because I might just shit everything like I always do.

    And she absolutely not trust me. So, let's be her favorite enemy.

    I hear her laugh another. Which make me smile, but hurt me a little too. She never laughed with me. I sound pathetic I know. But, when she laugh it's either sarcastic or because, she's mad at me. But, I never truly make her laugh the way Ben does. I don't blame her, Ben is hilarious. And I like him, he's very nice. I'm glad to say that he's a good guy for mint. Which also scares me.

    I would be happy for her if anything happen between them really, but it's still would hurt.

    The door finally open, I stand my self. I'm ready to talk to her about last night. I didn't sleep at all this night, and I almost missed the training this morning. Not cool. But, I was so mad at myself. I didn't mean to make her angry, even more that she's already is, I know that she's against drinking alcohol. Don't know why. I hope I will someday. I just wanted to help her, but i just made things worse.

    "Hey" I say, she jump when she sees me.

    "Don't ever do that again Maximus, im  dead serious." I like when she call me Maximus. Even though it's a silly nickname. Like mint. I just feel like it's our thing. And it feels nice.

    "Noted. So, how's Ben?"

    She stares at me, probably wondering what the hell is going on. When my mom told me that we were having guess. I little thought in my head hoped it was going to be her. Maybe I manifested it—Thank you, univers!

    "He's alright." She says as she start to head outside. But I stop her.

    "We need to talk about yesterday." I tell her.

    "Not now."

     "Yes, now. Because, if it's not now, you're just going to walk away and ignore me the rest of the night."

    She pull away from me, and cross her arms on her chest. "Why do you care?"

    "I just want to apologize." Little does she know I partially apologize for anything I did that make her hates me. Because I have no damn idea what I did. It's eating me every fucking day.

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