Into the Depths

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Will Ranstor woke up his squad on the bitterly cold morning, ordering them to pack up. He had spent the last three hours on watch. The position he he took was in the Jungle itself, high up in one of the bordering trees, using his hook blades to climb the distant branches. The decent had taken a good twenty minutes. He woke the elven maiden first, she jumped awake, half in surprise, half in terror, drawing her extendable blade nearly cutting his head off.

"I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized. "It's a reflex!"

"It's no problem, I understand." he assured her, "could you please wake up Ariant?"

"Yes. Yes, of course." Turning away. She walked over to Ariant, waking him up by nudging his shoulder. He slowly woke up, remembering he was not in his chambers.

"Oi! Horace, wake up!" Ranstor spoke harshly towards the middle aged man. "Come on, time to move out."

Horace rolled over, glaring at the young captain. Then reluctantly rose from his bed roll and began packing his things. "You know that she is in a relationship with the Prince, right?" Watching his reaction.


"Please," Horace laughed, "you're like a puppy with those eyes you have for her. Reminds me of myself when I was your age-"

"Nope!" Will walked out of the remains Horace was resting in, he walked over to the hut where his Commander was supposedly asleep in, "Sir?" He heard a small clanging noise within the small hut. "Sir?"

James emerged, in full armor, carrying an Iron bow with a blade on it's face. "Yes, Captain?"

"We're almost ready to move out."

"Good," He pulled out his map, looking for a clearing nearby to make camp, "there is a clearing about 6 miles into the Jungle," Still staring at the map, "that is the next place we will be resting." The Commander picked up his pack, still fully packed with the armor from the Hominum Empire.

"Sir, where did you get that equipment?" Gesturing to the thin metal and leather armor he was wearing.

"This armor is from the dwarf war, it was, uh, standard issue for my task force."

The armor reminded Will of that of the assassins, thin, light, and effective, but most of all quiet. He was now curious of James' role in the war. The assassins had not been hired, or at least that is what the people were told. They did operate in the shadows, but they were not invisible. "It's very impressive."

James began walking towards the Hominum Empire border, and into the depths of the Orc forest. His squad close behind, walking in his footsteps. He scanned the area as he walked through, looking for the red eyes of demons haunting their path, and for the traps he knew the orcs have lain. "Ranstor, get up in the trees, stay above us."


"We need to have at least one skill up our sleeves, and I know they don't look up at the canopy above us, and your skill set makes you the most viable one. Now get up in the trees."

Ranstor was off, into the canopy above the squadron, out of even their view. He jumped from branch to branch, using his hooked swords to swing along the less dense areas of the trees. He moved quickly through the overhanging trees, watching over his squadron like a hawk.

He observed each members behavior in the jungle, the elves' were the most curious. The elven lord seemed to walk with a sense of wonder and adventure, while the elven maiden walked with fear, consistently looking over her shoulder and her right hand never left the hilt of her collapsable blade. She seemed more and more anxious with each step deeper into the jungle.

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