there are many ways to loving you

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There are many ways to loving you,

And you choose to lock all your doors,

For this maze I am stuck in,

Trying to find the correct path to yours.

The sky is lavender with the twilight of my love,

Which sets down with the sun and stays still dawn,

I offer you the mist, the tulips of spring and the harshest rains of the monsoon,

For I am forever enchanted in your magic until it is gone.

What do you call this witchery that numbs your mind but makes your heart leap:

Like a thousand fireflies running to the one source of light,

It fuels the journey of the traveller soul,

In the darkened shadows of the eerie night.

For the language you speak has no translation,

The random pulses and irregular heartbeats,

That carry currents against the gushing of the sea

Which makes the lips seal, but the heart speak.

But the tides become quiet and the silence louder,

In the avoidance we grow in the form of walls,

In this everlasting maze between us,

Humbling the heart into seeing what's false. 

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