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I was happy we had made it back home, alive for some reason something felt off about me, my ribs  were hurting so bad. Which is funny since the only place that I've been was in my proposition before it was shot off. All of a sudden I saw my best friend, I wanted to talk to him, but unfortunately I was ignored by the guys. They all had been trying to figure out how the Radio Operator was doing. I mean I'm not trying to make it all about myself but I was hurting both physically and mentally. As soon as I tried to tell Virg that something felt off about me, I got told, "Your fine Rasc" all of a sudden I heard,  "There you are Rasc ''.

I turned around and saw Clay. "Oh hey C" I said. At least one of the guys wasn't ignoring me. "You ok?" Clay asked. Ok play it cool I thought, "Yeah, why?" I said. "Everybody is worried about you" Clay said. "Yeah, when I'm not ok?" I said. "Uh ok" Clay said. "And you can tell my best friend that too" I said. "I'll pass the message to  the guys" Clay said.

Now they're  worried about me, even  Virg? I know that they cared and all, but they haven't asked me how I was  feeling after the whole deal. I sighed . Like I thought they all agreed to keep checking up and talking to me since I was the youngest? Hint the nickname. At this moment,  Reality came crashing  down on me, my hands went straight for my hair, I almost died, not just me, but the others.

To make matters  worse I could feel my heart beating fast, I felt like I was about to pass out. I knew that I was both physically, and emotionally worn out, shout out to Clay for letting me take a nap. I wasn't paying attention. I ran right into the back of Clay's jacket in the hospital. "Sorry C" I said. It's ok Rasc, you sure you're ok?" Clay ask. "Why yeah? I said. "You don't look like yourself" Clay said. "He's right, Rasc" I heard Virg say. Wait, when  did Virg get here?

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I said. "Rascal, you're not fine" Virg said. Really the full nickname? At this point I was so frustrated, upset that I hadn't mean to lash out at them, "I'M JUST COMPLETELY TIRED BOTH PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONAL, AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CARE?!,  YOU'VE ALL BEEN IGNORING  ME EXCEPTED CLAY SINCE WE GOT BACK NEVER ONCE ASKING HOW I WAS DOING, EVEN WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT I WAS SOMETHING FELT OFF I GOT TOLD THAT  I WAS FINE". Why would any of them care now? All of a sudden I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. At this point I had to keep reminding myself that I was ok, that I was fine, but deep down I was not fine.

I had to get out of here quickly but I couldn't make myself move. I felt someone grabbing my shoulder. I tried to get out of the grab, by pushing them away. "Rasc, hey it's ok, it's just me". "L- Let m- me g-go" I managed to choke  out. I managed to push them away, same how, same way I managed to make it to the door. Right then and there I could feel my legs buckle underneath me.

"Got you, Rasc, I got you" I heard Virg say. Without thinking I grabbed a hold of Virg, and I clutched his jacket with both of my hands. I felt someone rubbing my back. "It's ok bud" I heard Clay say. Talk about being embarrassed, especially crying in front of everyone, the only one that has ever seen me cry on the plane was Virg, but other than that, but then again it was when the bull turret got stuck on me.

I was trying my best to calm down, but I couldn't, yep I have done a lot of embarrassing things in my life, but this takes the cake. I guess I must have been so tried out, because the next thing you knew I was knocked out. "Must have been so tired" Virg said, "Yeah" Clay said. "I still can't believe that we so close to losing him, also I mad at myself for ignoring him, when he said that something felt off" Virg said.

"Who's fault is that?" they heard Danny ask. "It's my fault ok?, mine" Virg said. "You're not the only one at  fault"Clay said. "Yeah but you double checked on him, I just told him that he was fine" Virg said. What kind  of friend am I? I should have made sure that he was ok, instead of saying that he was fine. Virg pushed some of his best friend's hair out of his face. I'm so sorry, Rasc Virg thought.

"Vee it's not just your fault, like C said it's all of our fault" Jack said. "Yeah but I made a promise that I would always listen to him" Virg said. A couple of hours later. "How long do you think that he's going to be out?" "Probably for a while". "He did say that he was both emotionally and physically tired".

"Wait what time did Rasc say that he went to bed?" "I think he said he went to bed at four". "That's way late". "Also remember that we had that dance yesterday too". "Oh yeah". "Wait  I think he's waking up". I felt someone pushing my hair out of my face, "Rasc, you waking up bud ?" At this point I slowly wake up. I guess I might have been so out of it that I had no idea where I was.

Where the fuck am I? At this point I almost bolted up. "Take it easy Rasc, you  pulled  same of your ribs" I heard Virg say. That would explain the pain in my sides. "Where am I?" I asked. "The barracks" Clay said. Should I have seen that coming. "Also I know you guys, are probably beating yourself since about ignoring me, but I forgiving you guys". "That's a relief that you would hate us forever" Virg said.

"Ok first of I would never hate you guys, I might get annoyed at you guys, but I would never hate you guys I said. "That's shocking" Clay said. "Just one quick question where the hell are we going on the war bond tour?

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