Master of Puppets

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After everyone had put together their weapons, we loaded into the R.V. I sat in the back between Eddie and Robin and was fidgeting with the new ring in my hand; the silence in the van made me uncomfortable. The sun was starting to set when we stopped in front of the Creel house, and Max, Erica, and Lucas stepped off the R.V holding bug Zappers; they were going to use the light from them to find Vecna when he was in the attic. Steve continued driving, and we arrived at Eddie's trailer. We went over the different phases of the plan again; The six of us were going into the Upside Down. Nancy, Robin, and Steve would head to the playground outside the Creel house and signal Erica when they arrived. Erica then signals Max and Lucas, and Max draws Vecna's attention. Once this was done, Eddie, Dustin, and I would distract the demo bats and draw them away from the house. After the bats leave, Nancy, Robin, and Steve enter the house, find Vecna and kill him. Nancy reminded us that no one moved forward with any part of the plan until everyone was in position. We snuck our way into Eddie's trailer, and Steve climbed the rope that was still there back into the Upside Down; he grabbed the mattress from Eddie's room and flung it onto the ground so that the rest of us would be able to land on it. Nancy climbed the rope and made it safely to the other side, we threw her belongings to her, and they landed on the mattress. I climbed the rope next, and Nancy held out a hand to help me up, "I hate that doing that is so fun." I chuckled, then looked back to see the others throwing my bat through the gate. As Robin was making her way up the rope, I picked it up, and she fell through, and Nancy and I both gave her a hand. A few moments later, more supplies made their way through the gate. Eddie came through next, and again I held out my hand to help him. Dustin threw the last of the gear through the gate and climbed the rope. When he sat up, he looked at me like he had just been on a rollercoaster; Eddie and Steve grabbed his collar and pulled him off the mattress.

We walked out of the trailer, and Steve turned back to us, "Listen, guys, If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats, keep them busy for a minute or two. We will take care of Vecna." I rolled my eyes; he worries like a father, "Steve," I tried to interrupt, but he kept speaking, "Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. You guys are just-- "Decoys." The three of us finished his sentence. We knew our job and we told Steve he didn't need to worry, and we would let him be the hero. "Absolutely. I mean, look at us," Eddie said, looking over toward Dustin and then me, "we are not heroes." The three of us chuckled, and Steve nodded his head and then turned to follow Nancy and Robin. Eddie called to Steve one last time, "Hey Steve. Make him pay." I watched the three of them walk away; they can do this, and we were going to do our part in distracting those damn bats. The others were out of sight, and Dustin, Eddie, and I got to work. We gathered everything we could to barricade the trailer, pieces of a fence, and different pieces of sheet metal; Dustin and I carried them over while Eddie attached them. I had just picked up a garden gnome with a very pointy hat; I planned on bringing it to the boys to see if it would be helpful. When I looked over to see the small clearing from earlier, I had a sinking, sickening feeling. "Hey, Dev, what you got there?" Dustin ran over and looked at the gnome in my hands. Hearing his voice scared me and made me jump, "gut feeling?" he asked, and I nodded; I looked back one last time and then turned to head back to the trailer. "You know, you've been having those since all of this started three years ago; you don't have superpowers? Do you? I mean, it would be cool if you did." I laughed, "Dusty, my gut feeling has been there since the beginning of high school. I knew we would be having a pop quiz in class before I even made it through the door." We were both laughing now.

We returned to Eddie, and he looked proud of his work, "not bad." he said; Dustin agreed, and I looked to Eddie, "Now for the fun part?" I asked; he nodded, "Now for the fun part." We ran inside and into Eddie's room. He stopped then slowly walked up to the guitar hanging on his wall, "It's like she was made for an alternate dimension. What do you say, Henderson's, ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" He turned to face us again; Dustin asked if his question was rhetorical. I shook my head and laughed. Eddie put the guitar strap around his head and threw the guitar behind him, "let's do it." I held up a finger and smiled,  "one more thing, though." I said and turned to run back to the living room, the other two followed me, and I dug around in one of the bags and found the microphone and adapter cable I had brought with me. "If you think I am letting you perform this concert alone, then you have lost your mind, Munson." Eddie smiled, and we made our way to the trailer's roof to put the final touches on our plan, setting up the amp. We set everything up, and now we just needed power; Eddie climbed through the gate holding some of the wires, and when on the other side, he connected them to a power supply. "What song do you think he is going to play?" Dustin looked at me. I could tell he was excited, "I don't know, there are a lot to choose from; whatever it is, I know it will be epic. Eddie joined us back in the Upside Down, and we headed back to the roof.

I was looking over the guitar with Eddie when I heard Dustin's radio go off, "initiate phase three." he plugged in the amp and nodded toward Eddie and me. Eddie pulled off the guitar pic necklace he always wore and started playing. I immediately recognized the first three chords; I stepped back over to Dustin and was speechless, "Dev, what's wrong?" I stood there in awe, "Dusty, this song... it came out three weeks ago, which means that between our study sessions and planning Hellfire, he learned this song. He's amazing, simply amazing."Dustin smiled as Eddie continued to play, "Do you know the lyrics?" I smiled, "of course I do, 'cause apparently I too am amazing."  I walked back over to Eddie, held the mic up to my mouth, and started singing the lyrics to Master of Puppets by the one and only Metallica. We continued our concert, and I could see Dustin bobbing his head to the music. The three of us were having a lot of fun, and I almost forgot that our lives would soon be in danger until Dustin stood up and started giving us a countdown. When the bats were close enough we jumped from the trailer and raced inside. Eddie closed the door, and Dustin told him that was the most metal thing ever! "Seriously, Eddie, that was so sick! I cannot believe you had time to learn that song in only three weeks," before I could say anything else, Eddie turned away from celebrating with Dustin and faced me. I didn't have any time to react; he walked over and kissed me, "She is still my sister Eddie; come on, gross." Neither of us listened to Dustin's protests when Eddie broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine, "Very metal, Dev. Very metal."

Eddie Munson x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ