Chapter One: Ha Ha Ha!

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A man who's name you all know was alone in his apartment, asleep up in his bed at the end of a long day of filming and hanging out with his friends, and technically co-workers, having all filming done for the next video for his own one-man show: Sander's Sides. The series had a very devoted fanbase, though, lets face it, we all know it, the fanbase can be WEIRD, like, not even the good kind of weird( though most of you guys are okay, y'all are pretty cool). Anyway, moving on, Thomas was lying in his bed asleep, yet inside of his own head, for Thomas was in the Mindscape, his own mind, represented by his own home he lived in, yet it was so much different, for most people, even Thomas's own friends believed that the Sander's Sides were fake, however, I can assure you, in this story, they are very, very real. You see, when Thomas was a young boy, he was seen as very strange, and that started around the time he turned six, for he would seem like he was having a real conversation with no one, his drawings would show him with other people who were badly drawn like him. One was always wearing a cat hoodie, one dressed in a neat ( and probably adorable) tie, one with a crown and two different colored eyes, finally one who was dressed in a black hoodie, and a short, half-snake faced child.

Thomas's parents had decided to get Thomas tested when he was eight, seeing that he had not grown out of ' Talking with his Sides' and his parents were becoming very concerned, as any parent should be about their child's well being. The doctors, when they had tested Thomas, were incredibly confused,for his right and left side of his brain were going at abnormal rates, plus more. Thomas's parents were worried for their son, and were discussing what they could do, but Thomas had been lost in his own little world, somewhat literally.Thomas's doctors and parents wanted to get to the bottom of it, so they started to run tests on Thomas, taking him to a facility in Illinois to do it, a medical facility. Now, I know that some of you are thinking that the Government found out that Thomas had some sort of supernatural powers and ripped him away from everything he knew just to make him a lab rat and eventually a weapon, but he escaped . . . or something. In the words of Alastor from Hazbin Hotel 'HA! No.' This story is actually quite different from that, because the author thinks a little differently, well, actually very differently. Thomas was taken to the facility and was actually well cared for, the doctors and nurses incredibly nice, and the tests run on him never hurt or scared him, and if it did, he was always explained what was going to happen either by his parents,a nurse, or doctor, and the only times he was still scared after that were very few, like, literally three ( which isn't much considering they had to do, like, about twenty tests on the first day of testing) and it only ever hurt when he had to get his blood drawn for testing. An entire medical team was devoted to figuring out what made Thomas so different, he and his family stayed in Illinois for months, in a rather large hotel, paid for by the medical facility. He would be called, sometimes having to be woken up very late at night, in order for more tests to be done, with his parents staying with him every step of the way, and making sure he was safe. It was all worth it when it was discovered, through Thomas, a breakthrough in the mental health and medical community in general. Thomas ahd lead to the discovery of Sidenfroydia, was the name Thomas.s condition was given, and though it was still very new in the medical community, and believed to have at least only thirty percent understood and incredibly unexplored, though more people were diagnosed and voluntarily studied, it's still believed only the surface has been scratched.

Anyway, now, back to the reason Thomas is inside of his own head, he's there to speak with his sides about the next video, and he was planning to take inspiration from the last conversation they had about Thomas's acting career outside of videos. True, Thomas had been trying, but with the videos, and trying to get stuff done, it was just so . . . hard, and he was falling back into that feeling of not doing good enough, not doing enough at all. However, Patton and Deceit had worked together and realized that Roman was overworked. Luckily, they had made it through and helped Thomas to see with examples as to how he was doing well enough. Thomas figured it could be a good way to show that if you're not careful, you can slip back into bad feelings like that, even when you are doing enough. Now then, you all know their roles: Roman is Creativity, Patton is Morality, Logan is Logic, Virgil is Anxiety, Remus is Intrusive Thoughts, and Janus is Deceit. Of course, you all know that, you wouldn't be here if you didn't, which I think i've said before, but i'll reiterate it for you if i haven't. Now, Thomas had just sank into his Mind Scape, which looked just like his living room. Thomas had pretty good spirits, seeing that he had considered trying something new for an episode. The reason I'm talking about the episodes and Thomas's work is because you, the reader, need to understand something. In the videos, Thomas can and has watered down actual conversations he's had with his sides from his actual conversations with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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