A/N: Thank You & Other Important Stuff

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So I really wants to give a few thanks before I start talking:

The first goes to everyone on fanfiction.net who either followed, favorited, commented, or just even read my story! Love you to pieces!

Next goes to two of my bestfriends. First to my Willa, who I wouldn't have been able to write this without you (and you convinced me to write fastet). And secondly to thatoneslytherin who constantly told me to finish the last chapter (oh you!)

I would love to thank the wonderful authors Ridley Pearson and Rick Riordan whose stories and characters will stay in my heart forever. I especially couldn't have done it without you guys!

Also, I want to thank the wattpad users whom read my story. I'm still a baby on the site and you guys are so awesome! Thanks for joining the journey!

And lastly, I want to thank YOU! Yes, you! The person reading this right now! Your encouragement and loving words helped write this story. Thank you so much for taking your time to read my story! BLUE COOKIES TO ALL! (::) x infinity

But, I would like to say, I wrote that last part of Chapter 15 about the time travel back before I even posted the first chapter. Kind of like J.K. Rowling. But who would've thought the Return is all about time travel?! I was screaming! Like, creepy! So I changed the golden flash of light to a scratch of film like in the books and added Wayne's quote.

The memory of Maybeck comes from Disney After Dark pages 121-126. I rewrote some parts and added some of my own parts for it to be in Maybeck's point of view.

2-6-6-6 on the keypad spells out "Boom" by the way. ;)

Annabeth also did NOT kiss Percy in the final battle.

I'm hoping to get some of Our Final Stand done in the rest of summer so I can begin posting in the fall. Hopefully this one won't take two years! *awkwardly laughs* Oops. I want it to be 25 chapters. Since my chapters range 1000-2000 words and my last chapter was over 12,000 words, I thought it would make up for less chapters.


Until fall, -Kiki

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