[11.11.22] In Which The Inciting Incident Occurs

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[A/N: Hello queer community]

Lil Petey woke up early and excitedly started packing his backpack full of art supplies and toys.

The sky was still ink colored, with the sun just starting to spill a colorful display over the horizon when Lil Petey put on his backpack and rushed over to his dad's room, and opened the door.

"PAPA!" He yelled, bounding over to the bed where Petey was lying down on his stomach, with his head in his pillow and the bedsheets and blankets crumpled up.

Petey stirred a bit, his tail twitched and so did his left ear, before lying still again.

"PAPA!" Lil Petey shook his dad a bit this time, to which Petey finally woke up. With his eyelids droopy, Petey looked at LP and got out of bed.

"What d'ya want for breakfast, kid?" Petey asked as he yawned, stretching. They were both walking downstairs, LP jumping down the stairs 2 or 3 at a time while Petey led with footsteps so soft they were completely silent.

"Hmmmmmm..." LP thought for a moment, before jumping up with an idea. "Cheese danish!"

"Cheese danish?"


Petey shrugged. "Alright, let's go get some cheese danishes then," he said, grabbing their coats from the closet.

They pulled on their coats and both started walking to the market.


At the market, there was a slight breeze, as if the sun was waving hello to the ground. The tree leaves danced from side to side as Petey and LP walked through, and came across a pastry stand.

Petey picked LP up, and LP selected the danish he wanted, which the stand owner, a brown cat with a white spot above their nose, wrapped in paper towels and handed to LP, who grabbed it with both hands.

"And for you, sir?"

"Same thing as the kid, please."

The stand owner handed him another danish wrapped in paper towels, which he grabbed cautiously.

"Your total will be 13.59 cents!"

Walking back from the market, LP was eating his danish, when he spotted Sarah, Yolay and Zuzu, and began tugging on Petey's coat.

"Hmm? What is it kid?"

"I see Sarah, Zuzu and Yolay!" LP stuffed the rest of his danish in his mouth. "Can I go say hi?"

"Alright, but I'm coming with you!"

Petey and the kid walked over to where the girls were, and LP bounced over to them.


"LIL PETEY!" They said, smiling. Zuzu whimpered, to which LP pat her head gently.

"And you too, Zuzu!"

"What are you doing here, mini-gatto?"

"Me and papa were gettin' some breakfast!"

"Oooooh, sweeeet," Sarah said, smiling at the kid.

"Alright, come on kid, let's go," Petey said, grabbing the kids hand.

"Papa, please please pleeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee can I stay with Sarah and Yolay and Zuzu for a bit? I'll make sure to behave real good!" Lil Petey looked up at Petey with puppy eyes, smiling.

Petey sighed, and took a bite from his danish. "Alright," he said, still chewing. "I suppose you can."

LP smiled and clapped happily, jumping up and down before hugging his dad's leg. "Thank you!!" He said, before letting go.

"Alright, Sarah, I'll call you just before I come to pick the kid up after lunch. Keep him out of trouble if you can, and that's all I think."

Sarah nodded, giving a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Petey, we'll take care of mini-gatto. You won't have to worry a bit."

"Alright. Call me if anything bad happens. It's Friday, so I'm dropping him off at Dog-Man's place later."


LP swung his feet as he sat at the desk Sarah had her work computer at while Sarah and Yolay ate breakfast themselves in the next room.

"Hey, Sarah?"


"What do you do on this computer?"

"Oh! That's where I write my blog posts and news reports!"

"Can I write a report?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course!" Sarah said, heading into the computer room. She turned on the computer and logged in, while LP watched her.

"How do you write news reports?"

"Well, first I look around, and I write down everything intresting that happens. Then, I pick something interesting to look at further. And then I write my report!"


"Yeah! How about I grab you a notepad and a pencil, and get you looking around outside?"

LP nodded excitedly.

Outside the birds were chirping sweetly, and the sun was shining brightly, but it was still a bit chilly, so LP was wearing his coat.

Sarah and him began taking a walk around the block, when LP noticed something.

"Oh! Oh! Sarah, I saw something!" He said, and he began running off.

"Lil Petey! Wait!"


Flat Petey froze as he noticed the young cat running after him. Oh gosh, he thought, panicked. What now?

The young cat stopped, out of breath, just feet away from FP.

They stood there, staring at each other, both simultaneously the deer and the headlights.

Someone else was following the kid, and FP looked up at where they were following.

Ah ratz! It'z that reporter gal!

Flat Petey ran off again, not wanting to get arrested. Not that it'd be hard to escape, but it'd be a huge inconvenience to him right now, since he had just gotten here and hadn't even gotten to do anything yet.

FP didn't see what happened when the reporter girl caught up with the kid. He didn't want to, and frankly he didn't need to.

LP sighed sadly, facing back to turn Sarah, who looked deeply concerned.

"Sarah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's not important. Let's get you back inside, hmm?"

LP nodded, sadly. "Alright."

As they walked back, LP scribbled down 'found paper version of papa!' on the first clean page in the notepad. His report was gonna be totally awesome.

[A/N: I know. I know]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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