Yes Im a Genius(Reid)

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Word Count: 677

Y/n's POV:
"And this is the team, Guys this is Dr. Y/N Y/ln, shes the new agent I've been talking about" Emily says introducing me to the team. "Dr? In what field? Oh God do we have another Reid on our hands" Morgan says leaning against his desk. "Hey" Reid said, slightly offended. "What's a Reid?" I ask, placing my bag down at my desk before sitting on it. "Not what who, This is SSA Dr. Spencer Reid" JJ says motioning towards Spencer, Spencer looks at me "Wait what's your name again, y/n wasn't it, ive read your book 'Forensic pathology; A Learners guide to the job of a forensic pathologist" and I was amazed. Your work as a forensic pathologist is incredible, the cases you describe in detail, of your various Post Mortems were remarkable, I mean pictures describing the location of all organs in the human body, the names of the various tools you use, the different incisions you make, including the 'Y'  and 'T' insions, as well as a number of articles explaining how to do the numerous jobs a forensic pathologist would do depending on the victim, their condition and tips for beginners. The way the skin just peels back to reveal the chest cavity is fascinating, the way the rib shears cut through the ribcage like nothing, leaving the organs and flesh exposed. Fascinating, you don't mind the gore, the smell?" "No not at all, I never had a problem with gory things as a child, the Smell I had to get used to." I reply looking directly into thoes beautiful eyes of his.

Hotch leans against his desk and brings his hand to his mouth trying not to gag, "Hotch you alright? You look like your gonna gag?  Did you know the gag reflex, also called the pharyngeal reflex, is a contraction of the throat that happens when something touches the roof of your mouth, the back of your tongue or throat, or the area around your tonsils. This reflexive action helps to prevent choking and keeps us from swallowing potentially harmful substances. The reason why we vomit when we see, smell or smell something gross could be the way our brains are wired. Scientists have discovered "mirror neurons" in the brain. Thanks to these neurons, we're able to empathize with others and their activities. In one study, functional MRI scans of participants showed that brain activity was similar whether subjects were imitating an emotion or observing an emotion. The brain's imitation and observation areas are so linked, we may feel like crying if we see someone else cry. Or, more to the point, vomit if we see someone else vomit" Reid Rambles repositioning himself on his desk

"The urge to vomit when we see something gross also could be a form of self-preservation. Let's say a prehistoric human ate a handful of poisonous red berries, believing them to be a delicious snack, and then became violently ill. In the future, simply seeing those berries will cause feelings of nausea and prompt a refusal to eat them. This conditioned reaction, in which your body creates a strong physical aversion, could save your life. Or go wrong."

"Damn you know a lot, you some sort of genius or something Reid?" I ask, generally interested "I don't think intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can can read 20k words per minute........Yes I'm a Genius" "Reid here graduated highschool at only 12 years old, joined the Bau at 22, and Has 3 PHDs, he's only 24" Emily says, looking at reid. "Wow" I exclaim, I look at the kid,' his hair, his face, that goofy smile and pretty eyes, the quirky outfit he's wearing, I haven't known him long but I'm already starting to fall for him, and I think he's falling for me too' I think, and judging by the cute smile and slightly flirtatious look he's giving me I think I'm right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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