cookie orgy

227 2 8

containz licroice ass
aparil . foolz

Licorice payed attention to the time more closer than before. Pomegranate was aware of such. She wouldn't tell it to the others though, at least not yet, after all this could be some innocent thing.
What has Licorice so excited? she squinted. I'll find out soon. she concluded.

Licorice looked at the time.It was barely 11. He groaned in annoyance, "Time is so slow!" he pouted. Mushroom looked up "Could we playyyy a gameee?"


The hour consisted of the two playing games like tic tac toe or chess, Licorice winning the majority of the time but then again the times Mushroom won was just Licorice letting them.
Licorice gasped at the time.. 12:05?! He was late!
"Mushroom we gotta go!" He exclaimed and quickly grabbed a harness and slid it onto the smaller one and dragged them out.
He had to be extra quiet, usually by now the others would be occupied in their rooms.

As soon as the coast was clear Licorice ran as fast as he could, he had Mushroom in his arms and kept going until he reached familiar plants and flowers. He had remembered Clover's directions and eventually made it to a clearing. Licorice felt his heart beat slightly faster when he heard the instrument and pretty music.

He then caught sight of a hat and white pretty hair.. Clover..

The other seemed occupied in his music, he played very well. Licorice admired that.
"H-Hey" he spoke out. The music stopped and Clover turned around and faced him.
"It's you," Clover said, then his eyes went towards Mushroom, "And you too"

"Sorry I'm late, I was spending a little time with.. Mushroom" Licorice felt comfort in the presence of the other.
"No worries, I stay out late anyway"
Licorice walked over and Clover pat the spot next to him, prompting the other to sit beside him. Licorice did so, picking up Mushroom and placing them beside him as well.

"So.. Licorice, is it? What's all this about?"
"I-I.. I just- wanted a friend?"
"And you picked me?"
Licorice hesitated, "Y-You.. seemed like the nicest"
It wasn't exactly a lie either, Clover seemed the most calmest option.
"I see.. What about your friends at your place? Pomegranate? Are they not good friends either?" Clover showed genuine curiosity rather than challenging the other's answer.

"They don't need me that much anyway.. Mushroom is.. sort of my only friend there."
Why was he so open? Clover was nearly a stranger and he was just blurting out honest answers like that.
"Well.. We can be friends.. no funny business?"
"No funny business" Licorice promised.

The night was calm, spent chatting and Clover playing his music to Licorice.


Pomegranate sat at the near entrance, waiting for Licorice's return. She hid herself just slightly, Licorice would most likely lie about where he's been. Maybe she could ask Mushroom, or spy on Licorice.

"Pomegranate? You're awake?" Red Velvet spoke out, nearly startling the red cookie.
"Speak for yourself."
"I was gonna take Chiffon outside, he's a little restless" Velvet answered with Chiffon letting out a small bark in assurance.
Pomegranate just squinted and turned back around in response.

Velvet stared for a moment and shrugged it off, taking Chiffon outside.


"It was lovely meeting you, Licorice!" Clover smiled. Licorice felt his face heat up at the words.
"Same to you.. I hope to see you again" He smiled back . "Bye, Clover!"
After their goodbyes, Licorice went back. He was very careful with his return.

Suddenly he heard a bark. Chiffon?!
"Was that.. velvet's pet..??" He heard Mushroom's voice.
"What is it, boy?" Licorice heard Red Velvet's voice.
The barks got closer, so the cookie made a run for it. That was a bad idea probably. Mushroom was dragged once again.

He tripped and collapsed to be met with the tongue of a cake hound going all over his face.
"He's licking youuu!" Mushroom observed.
"Wh- Ew! Get off me!" he pushed the hound off and got up.
He felt claws pick him back to his feet.
"What do you want?! Get Chiffon under control!" Licorice snapped.
Velvet gave him a look and picked up the cakehound.

"Mind telling me why you're out so late?"
"He was m-" Mushroom was cut off by Licorice's hand over their mouth.
"It's none of your business!"
Velvet frowned.
"It is. You could have gotten off and cheated on your loyalty to Dark Enchantress!"
"I would never!" Licorice defended.

"..I'll let you off the hook this time. It better not happen again." Velvet growled and went off, Chiffon letting a growl at Licorice too.

"Sorryyy" Mushroom frowned. Licorice just sighed and picked them up, walking back inside.
Pomegranate had decided to go back to her room as she witnessed the entire thing.

I hope i see him agan Licorice thought. He couldn't stop thinking about Clover..

DISCONTINUED!!!| Licorice x Clover (cookie run)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang