Part 1

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"Good night Angel." Crowley said tenderly before they hung up…..

Aziraphale sighed as his gaze wandered aimlessly around the bookshop. Ever since Armagedidn't Crowley had been hanging around the shop almost every day and Aziraphale simply enjoyed the company. Even more so since neither one of them would have to worry about being abruptly pulled away on an assignment. 

Aziraphale glanced at his half of his and Crowley’s painting from Leonardo Da Vinci.  He smiled fondly at Crowley’s portrait. Crowley was just as lovely as when the angel had first laid eyes on him all those millenia ago…in Eden…

Although Aziraphale had to admit,  the only thing that he didn't like about the portrait, or the demon for the matter was that he was always wearing those glasses. 

Of course Aziraphale knew Crowley wore them to be safe yet practical so humans wouldn't notice his serpent eyes. 

But Aziraphale always loved those eyes. The color of amber, the narrow slits as black as the night sky and always filled with love.

Despite how long Crowley had to wait for him….

Aziraphale rose from his chair and grabbed a brand new cookbook he stumbled upon when he stepped out for a fresh supply for ingredients.

"No more waiting my dear boy."  Aziraphale said as he made his way upstairs to the small kitchenette.

"I've gone much too slow for you Crowley, but no more."

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