Big Changes

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Today was Erin's first day of school. They got out of bed, placing their head upside down on their bed and pulling their frizzy hair into a messy bun. They looked at their signature Fitbit, and saw that they were 5 minutes late for school! Erin got changed as quickly as they could, and sprinted out the door, snatching their breakfast on the way and barely having enough time to say bye to their cool mum, Gamma, and snot-nosed brother, Sambhasa.

They nearly sprinted to class, still chewing on their chocolate crepe as they ran through the hallways. Then, just as they lost focus for a moment while staring at the locker of their biggest crush, Erin suddenly crashed into someone passing by, leaving both of their books and papers scattered across the floor. They looked up to see... Patrick?!

Erin was so embarrassed... "H-hey. Sorry..."

Patrick tried to help Erin up. "What're you doing out here so late? French is starting soon, and I heard that Mr Whitton's gonna be turning whoever's late into his 'little whale'."

Erin shivered at the thought of that. Sure, he was a bit weird, but Whitton would never go that far... right? They shouldn't risk it.

Erin started rambling nervously, "T-thanks for the heads up, Patrick. Let me help you pick up your stuff, I'm really coffee without my clumsy."

Patrick looked at them, confused.

"I mean..."

They both started laughing. Erin was pretty much desperate to find their way out of the conversation at this point, feeling the heat of blushing rushing to their cheeks and the tips of their ears.

"Sorry, but I've got to go now. Let's hope I don't get turned into a little whale."

Erin waved back at Patrick half-heartedly, before her face collapsed to a mopey deathstare. Why does Erin have to see him all the goddamn time? Why does Erin's heart have to flutter every time he smiles in their direction? Why did Erin have to not be with him?

Why, oh why did Erin have to fall in love with the most popular guy in school, Patrick the Star?

Trying not to dwell on this, Erin wipes a small tear from her eye before entering French class.

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