Wave of Dragon Fire

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Wave of Dragon Fire



"If we march on Winterfell everyone in the Seven Kingdoms will know the threat we pose to their king," Haenry Nyrs stated, breaking the elongated silence that was holding the room hostage. Rowynn nodded to show she was listening, but she kept her eyes on Jon's hand which was still laid lightly over hers.

"And if we do not attack while the Boltons are weakened then the chances of a victory without major losses will decrease tenfold," Ser Raegnar advised adamantly. Rowynn offered a whisper of a smile. Raegnar always had a hunger for a good fight.

"We could just send a messenger with one of your dragons from the Fleet," Prince Byron suggested. "Give them a chance to relinquish their hold on Winterfell, and if they choose not to, burn them."

"I believe that would be the safest choice," Ser Caen said. "We would not have to worry about losing men."

"But we would be showing the rest of the world what we are capable of, removing the choice of making an even larger surprise attack—on King's Landing for example," Rowynn's Prince uncle pointed out. His violet eyes met hers. "We should wait, Your Grace."

"If I may ask; what exactly would we be waiting for?" Tyrion finally spoke again. Everybody at the table turned to him, each displaying their degree of respect for the dwarf through their expressions.

"Stannis Baratheon is said to be gathering an army to march on Winterfell before winter rolls through the North," Rowynn said as she pushed a stray piece of silver hair behind her ear. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as her gaze fell upon the youngest Lannister lion. "I know that the Bolton army and that which belongs to Stannis are quite evenly matched... at least until winter arrives. If we wait for them to destroy each other, the conquering of Winterfell will be made all the more simple. What do you think, Lord Tyrion?"

"Pardon me, Your Grace, but are you truly going to start taking advise from a—" Ser Caen paused as he glanced at the short golden-haired man "—Lannister?"

"No need for manners, Ser—I'm sorry, I never got your name," Tyrion gestured.

"Ser Caen," Rowynn responded with a nod to the Lord Commander. "He has control of the Queensguard here in Bellaronia." The young maiden queen then turned to her advisors. "And I am not asking for a Lannister's opinion on our situation. I am asking a man who has lived amongst our enemies all his life and who has also served as the King's Hand quite successfully—or so our little birds tell us," Rowynn said with a smile perched on her lips.

Tyrion narrowed his eyes as the table of advisors took a moment to accept their queen's explanation. When their attention turned to him, he cleared his throat, addressing Queen Rowynn directly. "I believe the best choice here is to wait, Your Grace. If Stannis plans to march on Winterfell he will be in for a long and grueling battle. His men are not equipped to fight and survive in the snow and harsh winds that will become the everyday environment within the following weeks in the North. The Boltons know this so they will either build up their supplies and hide behind their walls until Stannis' army dies off or they will launch a secret attack when his opposition is least expecting it. It would pay off the best in the end to let them do the hard work, and when they are finished, you go in with only 5,000 men or so and wipe the winner out before they can have any time to recover."

Rowynn held the man's gaze for a moment before allowing herself to smile lightly at her council members. "That is why I asked for his counsel."

"I still believe it would be best to march now," Ser Raegnar admits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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