xen script

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My first time hearing about xen was when i heard Angela the kittydog (Rowan) ranting about how xen was constantly calling him misogynistic and ableist because of him drawing frecklewish dieing and calling appledusk a whore, we all thought that was incredibly stupid but kinda went on with life, my first ever encounter with xen was when kirikerise and a few other people started making fun of patchwork Staccato (me and Rowans frecklewish map), since xen fallows and likes kirikerise i believe thats how xen found my map, xen then proceeded to join the server and harass all of us there, mainly Rowan. Xen was using a burner account under the name "suki", unfortunately i was at school while this was happening and was unable to stop it, luckily Rowan got there before me and banned them, i considered making a video on it right on the spot but i was having some personal life issues and was unable too, but a few months later i decided to come out about what xen did, in the comments however xen was saying i impersonated them and that they would sue me, which never happened, xen was being over all rude to anyone who supported me in that video and i guess according to xen i didn't have enough evidence so i put the video on link only, i asked xen in the comments if i could just dm them so we could have a one on one discussion on why they hated me and a few of my friends so much, that conversation was like talking to a toddler, it didn't go anywhere, xen was constantly bringing up shootings and when i tried to change the subject back to what we were trying to talk about xen called me racist, i ended the conversation because i knew no matter what id say they would twist my words, later they went on twitter and called me racist, after that i didn't have any one on one issues with them, every now and then theyd tweet that im misogynistic, ableist, and racist, i was confused on the misogynistic part, i knew they thought i was racist for wanting to stay on topic of our original conversation, and i knew they saw me as ableist for showing characters die, but the misogynistic claim had me confused, but i soon figured out, july 17 xen and (radio scratch *you can censor if you want*) were talking about how im misogynistic for liking ravenwing but not frecklewish, also how i dont like tawnypelt, well i guess i got my answer, apparently its misogynistic to not like a female character, that was the last problem ive had with xen so far (july 18) but theres no doubt in my mind that theyll think of something new or find a new victim

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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