
939 10 2

Warnings: None

First POV


I woke up with a raging headache. I called Zoey to tell her I wasn't gonna be in class, and to tell the teacher I'd be out. Luckily, Zoey made up a good excuse. I got out of school for three days. It was Thursday, which means I had an extra long weekend. I got a call during lunch.

On call:

"Hello?" I said, my voice sounding weak

"Y/n, are you alright?" Chase asked, he sounded really worried

"Chase? Oh yeah I'm fine, just a headache," I answered

"So you're stuck in your dorm for a few days?" He asked

"Yeah, Zoey made up a really good excuse. He said I'm allowed three days out, which means nowhere outside of the dorms," I said

"What about the lounge? Or the boys dorms?" Chase asked

"Anywhere but where he is, but right now I'm staying put. Nobody is answering so I'm kinda stuck here alone," I said

"I have two classes after lunch, one of the teachers is out. He only gave us an essay. So I could stay with you for the rest of the day. Well, not after 8, but the second class is a free period so I really have nothing," Chase suggested

"Really? But you have the essay," I said

"I have the weekend, and I'm almost done. Tomorrow I won't be so free, so it's fine," Chase said

"Okay," I gave in

"Be up there in 10," Chase said while hanging up


Wow, I have such a good friend.  What's annoying is that people always make jokes about us liking each other. I mean, I like him, but he's in love with Zoey. I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey Chase," I said

"Hey, got you mac 'n cheese," He said as he opens the door

"Awww, thank you," I said 

"No problem," He said

We continue talking, and I notice he doesn't remain eye contact. Actually, he keeps looking at my lips. 

So you know, I did what-" He got cut off by my lips

"You," He was flustered 

"I," I said

"I like you," He said 

"I like you too," I said

"So we're friends," He said as he kissed you again

"Yup," I said



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