Trump and Redhead

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Trump and Redhead (will not be saying his name on here)

Trump was galloping along the sidewalk as he
does every Saturday morning, when suddenly,
he bumped into Redhead and slips his dick in him
"*I'm so sorry?" Donald squeaks. "That's
alright" chuckled Redhead, "I'm used to it." As
Redhead gave Donald a wink while walking away,
all Donald could think about was "I haven't had an erection in 3 years. What's s0 special about this guy?"
As Donald watched pornagraohic material on safari, he wondered why he couldn't get it up- "Maybe if I find a guy that looks like him I'll be able to please myself sufficiently"

he surfs over to his local pizza website and notices an ad on the side of his screen. it's that cute little redhead from before! in the ad he can only see his ass and the glimmer of red hair but he could recognize that ass anywhere. he clicks on the ad immediately contacts him.
they meet the following day at a local sushi bar. trump attempts and fails to make arousing banter by saying "i bet you'd like to try this shrimp"
the night drags on and eventually Redhead agrees to take trump back to his house. he skimmers his tight little ginger ass inside and trump follows.
trumpie shuts the door behind them and as he begins to turn back around Redhead hits him on the head with a large blunt object. he follows by stabbing him multiple times in his spleen and pancreas as trump slowly bleeds out and dies. Redhead digs a huge fucking hole in the yard and buried the orange. then he goes inside to his handsome and strong husband waiting for him in the bedroom with a freshly cooked rotisserie chicken

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