{ 3 } Movie Night

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"Tu tambien wey, can't keep your eyes off of me for shit" I hear Y/N say.

She is bold for saying that, I mean she was the one looking at me ?? But I just smirk at her comment and stay quiet for the rest of the game.



Finn was pitching while Bruce was batting.

Bruce has already 2 strikes. If he misses, than Finn's arm is like mint.

He and his team together will win, which isn't a bad thing? I just need bruce to win.


Finn threw the ball towards Bruce while he is all ready to try and... HIT IT.


He had ran to the bases while the ball goes over some fence making him hit a home run !!

"GO BRUCE !!" I yell as he runs through the bases

I hear clapping to the side of me, as I look i see robin applauding Bruce on.



After the game we were all talking and decided to get ice cream as a group

We were all walking towards a small ice cream shop around 3 blocks away as we see the same black van that has been driving around the neighborhood for awhile

As it drives passed us I look back at it and give everyone else a weird/confused look

"Did you guys ever notice that van before the kidnappings..?" I say

Everybody nodded there heads no or gave a bland look. That van though, that is no ordinary van.


We had ordered our ice creams blah blah, we had just sat outside the shop on the cement.

We were all talking for a good 2 hours, but for some reason my eyes were drawn to Robin. And I think he knew that. About every time I would catch my self looking, he would always glance at me.

Now I look stupid for staring after what happened at the game

As I refocus I hear Gwen say

"Hey, why haven't we talked in a group like this before? I mean we all kind of seem connected in some way and like the same things?"

I don't know honestly. But if hanging out with these guys meant hanging around Robin, than I was A-okay with hanging out more.

I am redoing this chapters so I hope you enjoy, these chapters wont be as quick but hope you enjoy what I am writing now !!

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