-Chapter 2-

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This second chapter is specially dedicated to @BrighterThanTheDark for being the first to comment about my story. Thank you, I hope you keep reading and voting for this book.


    I remained, looking at the ceiling and waiting for my alarm clock to ring. I haven't slept a wink ever since yesterday's events. I can't cry anymore, I'm fresh out of tears to cry.


     I sighed as I got out of the bed. I took a quick shower and wore the Rakuzan uniform. I made my way to the mirror and gasped at how hideous I look. Dark lines were below my puffy red ones, my lips were pale. I picked up my bag and made my way outside, not even bothering to put make up in my face to cover my hideous appearance or eat breakfast.

      I'm not fine, and I won't pretend that I am...

   I arrived at school early, few people were around. I entered our classroom and was surprise to see his seat empty. He's known to be the earliest person in school.

   I sat down in my seat and stayed still. I'm in no mood to go to school today, but I was hoping to see him. I waited and waited for him to enter the classroom, but he never did.

   I hear whispers around me as more and more students entered the classroom. 

"She had the guts to show her face here after what she did."  

"I know right, she's got a thick face for doing that. Slut."

       I looked around to see who said those words and was surprised to see Tara and Miyuki. I looked down as I try to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall from my face. Tara and Miyuki were one of the people I hang out with when Akashi is not around, they used to worship me and Akashi and muttering something about OTP's and whatnots.

But now, they looked at me as if I'm some disgusting filth left on the floor.

         More people has entered the classroom and the whispering grew louder and louder. I kept silent as I looked at the floor, my lips quivering as I prevent myself from crying.

         The bell rang and everyone took their seats.

He didn't come.

For the first time, Akashi didn't show up in school. And it's all because of me.

          I stared outside the window as soon as the teacher started talking; he occupied my thoughts and my feelings even though he's not here.

I ignored the ring of the bell as I stayed in my seat while everyone else went out for their break.

"So, he's left you." I stiffened as I recognized that voice. That voice, no, leave me alone. Go away.

"How about we continue where we left off yesterday?" He teasingly said. I can almost imagine a smirk plastered in the monster's face.

"Hey you, answer me."  He said as he grabbed my jaw harshly and made me face him. I closed my eyes refusing to acknowledge his presence.

"Look at your face, pale and lifeless. Unlike yesterday..." he whispered in my ears. I opened my eyes when he bit my earlobe. I tried pushing him away but I he wouldn't budge.

"...your face was hot and red." He continued down to my neck as I remained. I couldn't move as I thought of yesterday.

 I was about to push him away when suddenly we heard the door open.

   He stood there.

 His face looking lifeless and cold. Silent filled the room as he took his seat and brought out his shogi board. He remained focused in his game, completely ignoring us.

   I was glued to my position when he suddenly let me go.

"Hey you! How do you feel now that I took your girlfriend?" he shouted at Akashi who remained focused on his game.

"Hey! Answer me you, twat!" he was freaking out as Akashi remained as calm as ever.

"Tch." He only said before looking at the guy.

"I don't give a shit about what you're doing. You can do whatever the fuck you want to 'it'."

   I gasped at him and his words. His eyes. They seem more intense than before. The red and yellow colors of his could kill.

 My body shook with fear and anger, I hate myself. I'm nothing to him now. It's my entire fault.

     I stood up from my position and with my shaking hands, I faced the guy. I looked down with teary eyes as I raised my hand and slapped him.

     The impact was so hard I looked up to see him facing sideways with his face shocked. I didn't bother looking at Akashi who probably resumed his game, not giving a damn.

      "I'm sorry." I whispered as I made my way to the door.

    Then suddenly it was as if suddenly gravity got stronger. I felt my heart being pulled down. I chocked back sobs as the crowd of students made way for me. They were probably listening earlier.



Akashi's POV

-That afternoon when the Akiyo left.-

 She left me, just like my mother did.

She never loved me, she was only using me.

    I chanted those words in my mind as I thought about the earlier events. I held the scissors tight in my hands until it felt numb. . I refused to believe what I'm thinking but what else is left to believe? I love her, I still do even after what just happened.

  I will find out why she did this. But I don't know if I can ever bring myself to have her again after what she did.

I'm Akashi Seijuro.


Everything that I say is right.

Everything that I do is right.

I looked down at the piano; its top was engraved with our names. There was nothing but anger and coldness inside me.

I held the scissor tight and stabbed it.

It's over.

Akiyo's POV

         I sniffed as I went to the music room, the only place I can find solace and peace with.

I made my way to the piano that Akashi and I gave to the school. 

 I stood there petrified at what I saw, our names... 

    I touched the scissor that was pierced to my name. I felt tears make their way to eyes then into the scissors. He erased it. He removed my name.

     I gently pulled up the red scissor as I looked at what's left of the message.






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