Chapter 1 Abandoned?

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Trigger warning

Y/N's Pov
I've been wondering around in the snow for what felt like hours after my parents left me in a clearing im not sure why.

As my vision starts getting blurry I think this is the end for me.

Just before I pass out I see a man in a red Cape with a crown on their head running to me.

??? Pov
As im walking back home I see a tiny figure wondering around.

As I get closer I see its a child? They seem about 4-5.

What are they doing alone out here at night? I decide to go see if they were ok.

As I continue getting closer I see them swaying a bit. I start to get a bit worried so I pick up my pace. The voices start to rile up as well...

When I'm about 10 feet away they start swaying even more like they're about to faint. As I get closer the voice get louder to the point were there screaming at me things like *SAVE. PROTECT. CHILD. ADOPT. TECHNO DAD*

I think I called it because almost immediately they passed out.

I ran to them checking there pulse to see if they were ok.

Thankfully they were fine but really cold. I took off my cloak and put it around the small child to atleast keep them a little warm.

I took them back to my house which wasn't to far away.

While we were walking I saw they had cuts, bruises and burns.

As we reached my house I put them by the fire. While I grab some blankets to keep them warm and some bandages and disinfectant for obvious reasons.

Once I had them wrapped in my cloak and some blankets and all bandaged up, I went and made some hot chocolate for when they woke up.

I went and sat down on the couch with the hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

I started reading to pass some time.

After about twenty minutes they started waking up.

Y/N's Pov
I open my eyes- 'AHH THE LIGHT!' it takes a few seconds to adjust to the lighting. As my eyes finish adjusting I look around a bit I see a man looking at me.

"W-who are you...?" I ask wearfully


Y/N is abandoned in a forest and a 'mysterious' man finds her blacked out and takes her to his place.

I think you guys already know who it is but if you don't you'll have to wait to find out!!
I will put small things (dont remember what there calledddddd) at the end of each paragraph
I will not update this regularly just had this chapter pretty much done already.

Make sure to eat, drink, sleep and be healthy!!!
Love you all!!!!!!


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