Meeting the Parents

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It was a week before graduation. We were to figure out the top ten of our class then head to Trost for a week before we officially graduated.
"Do you have heart?" One of our commanding officers yelled.
"Yes Sir!" We put our fists over our hearts in unison.
"As of this moment you have three options open to you! Chose wisely. The Garrison Regiment, whose job is to reinforce the walls. The Scout Regiment, who rides out into Titan country to take back what was once ours. And the MP regiment who maintain law and order under orders from his Royal Majesty. Those Cadets eligible for the MP have already been named! The rest of you take a look, these are the top of your class!"
The ranking went as follows, from 10-1 it was, Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Me, Marco Bodt, Jean Kirstein, Eren Jaeger, Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Reiner Braun, and Mikasa Ackerman. Even though I was eligible for the MPs I had no intent of joining. I was still dead set on the scouts.
After our long trip to Trost we finally arrived where we would be staying.
"Cadets! The dining hall is this way." A solider pointed at a building. All of us flooded into the place.
"Alright!" Connie cheered once we had sat down. "MPs here I come."
"Three square meals a day!" Sasha joined. I rolled my eyes. Even though they were my friends I didn't understand why anyone would want to join the MPs. They're corrupt and all they do is sit on their asses all day.
"How in gods name did I get ranked under Eren?" Jean mumbled. I stood up from the table and walked over to where Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were talking to some other Cadets.
"You're really gonna turn your back on the MP for the Scouts?" A cadet asked Eren. Eren made it pretty clear this is what he wanted from the beginning so I don't know why everyone was so shocked.
"Why in the world would you do that? You're in the top ten." Another asked.
"The Scouts have always been my goal. I don't want the easy life. Not with all the work I've put it. I trained to fight Titans." Eren said what I thought perfectly.
"Are you insane!?" Thomas yelled. Everyone looked towards him and Eren. "How many people have died? We're talking a fifth of the population. If that doesn't paint a picture for you I don't know what will. This is our life now we can't beat them."
"Yeah, so what. We buckle, take it all lying down? Things have changed, maybe not a hell of a lot but enough. They aren't the mystery they were five years ago. There's still a long way to go but we've made progress. Every battle we lost taught us a lesson, gave us the tiniest inroad towards something like hope. You telling me it's better to cut our losses? Let all the death and destruction be meaningless? Just to ball it up and except it? Not on your life! Humanity's future lies outside the walls and I'm gonna clear the way! I'm gonna take back what was ours! I'll drive them out. And as long as at least one of us can say that, we're not done." He then turned and ran off.
"What was that all about?" Reiner walked up behind me.
"Thomas thought it was dumb for Eren to join the Scouts and Eren got all mad about it. I understand though, I'm also going to join the Scouts."
"You're joining the scouts?"
"That's like the whole reason I joined the Cadet Corps." I half heartedly laughed. "What are you gonna do?"
"I'm not sure yet." He answered.
"Well you got a week to think on it. Also congrats on getting #2. Pretty big deal." I smiled.
"Thanks, you got #8 so you did pretty good yourself."
"Thanks, I'm gonna head off to bed, I'll see you in the morning." I patted his shoulder and walked off to where the Cadets were staying. I decided tomorrow I would visit my adoptive parents.
The next morning I was the first to wake up. I quietly hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to change clothes. I just threw on a t-shirt and some baggy jeans.
I the exited the girls dorms. As I was walking out of the building I bumped into Reiner and Bertholdt.
"Where are you going this early in the morning?" Reiner asked.
"I could say the same for you."
"You got me there, me and Bertholdt were just exploring the place a bit."
"Oh, I was headed to my parents house. You guys are welcome to join me if you want."
"You sure?" Reiner replied.
"Yeah, they'd love to meet you guys."
"I'll just stay here, you can go though." Bertholdt looked at Reiner.
"Ok then, lead the way." Bertholdt retreated back to the guys dorms and me and Reiner started towards my parents house.
"I didn't know you lived in Trost." Reiner said.
"I used to live in Shinganshina but after the wall fell my adoptive parents took me in and we moved to Trost."
"Cool." He smiled at me. We turned the corner and I saw my house.
"There it is!" I pointed. I glanced over to Reiner who seemed a little shocked. "My Dad owns a company." I tried to say humbly, I really didn't want to brag.
     "I can tell." He stated. I chuckled and walked up to the door. I took a deep breath in and knocked on the wooden door. The door started to creak open and I saw Emily standing in the doorway.
     "Mom!" I gave her the biggest hug. She reciprocated the embrace. After we held each other for a minute I pulled away.
     "Who is this young man?" She gestured toward Reiner.
     "Oh yeah, Mom, this is Reiner. Reiner this is my mom, Emily." I introduced them.
     "Nice to meet you Mrs.Wilson." Reiner waved.
     "Nice to meet you too." She grinned. "Come in!" She beckoned is into the house. "So are you two friends or...?" She smirked at me.
     "Mom, we're just friends." I rolled my eyes and Reiner chuckled. It seemed everyone thought we had feelings for each other or we were a couple.
     "Just wondering."
     "Your Dad should be home any minute, he just went to meet with a client about an hour ago." She led us into the living room. "Would you guys like a drink?"
     "No thank you." We both responded.
      She sat down in an armchair. "Ok, tell me about your, training. It's been 3 years since I've seen you."  We both sat on the couch next to each other. We talked for about twenty minutes before my dad came home. I didn't realize until I saw him in the doorway of the living room. I jumped from the couch and ran to hug him.
     "I missed you." I said as we hugged for a minute.
     "Me too." He pulled away from the hug. He looked into the living room and saw Reiner sitting on the couch. "Who's this?"
     "Dad this is my friend Reiner, Reiner this is my Dad, Mark." I put emphasis on the word friend. Reiner stood up from the couch and walked over to where we were standing.
     "Nice to meet you Mr.Wilson." He held out his hand for my dad to shake. I thought it was nice he had good manners. My dad grasped Reiner's hand and shook it.
     "Nice to meet you too Reiner." He smiled. "Uh, do you guys want to go to lunch, my treat?"
     "That'd be great." My mom smiled.
     My mom and dad headed toward the door. I tapped Reiner. "Yeah?"
     "Are you ok with going?" I asked.
     "Of course."
     "Ok, just didn't want you to be uncomfortable."
     "Looking out for me huh." He winked at me.
     "Shut up." I rolled my eyes playfully and jogged to catch up with my parents. He followed closely behind.

     Hey! Have a nice day!

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